Bug 4310 - display keeps saying can't connect to slimserver after computer was shut down
: display keeps saying can't connect to slimserver after computer was shut down
Product: SB Transporter
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Display
: 19
: Macintosh Windows XP
: P4 minor (vote)
: 7.0
Assigned To: Chris Owens
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-10-05 18:37 UTC by Kevin Pearsall
Modified: 2008-05-15 12:58 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Kevin Pearsall 2006-10-05 18:37:42 UTC
Reproduced on an Intel iMac with WinXP SP2 MCE running in Parallels.
Transporter FW 19, SS 6.5.1 r10207.

STR (not 100% reliable evidently!):
- start the virtual machine
- start playing some wma lossless to fill up the buffer
- shut down the machine (via standard start, shutdown, turn off method)
- display goes blank
- buffer plays out
- you get a message on the display (which should be blank) intermittently for what seems like up to 10 minutes saying:
Damn it it stopped happening after the third or fourth time and I didn't write the error down.
Comment 1 Kevin Pearsall 2006-10-06 13:21:36 UTC
Error is:
Problem: Can't connect to SlimServer
Left go to back right to try again

It intermittently stays up longer than it should, and intermittently pops back up sometimes when the player is just sitting there.
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2006-10-09 10:11:24 UTC
Just to be clear, you are seeing the message disappear and reappear on the display randomly for 10 minutes?
Comment 3 Richard Titmuss 2006-11-14 03:24:42 UTC
This might have been an issue with the knob. I'd be interested if it still happens with fw22 or greater. Marking as fixed at I cannot recreate it now.
Comment 4 Richard Titmuss 2006-12-12 03:05:23 UTC
*** Bug 4567 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2007-02-12 14:11:36 UTC
Richard has marked this as fixed, so if anyone's still experiencing this, please let us know.
Comment 6 James Richardson 2008-05-15 12:58:45 UTC
This bug has recently been fixed in the latest release of SqueezeCenter 7.0.1

Please try that version, if you still see the error, then reopen this bug.

To download this version, please navigate to: http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html