Bug 17759 - no screensaver when player off
: no screensaver when player off
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 17497
Product: SB Boom
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: PC Debian Linux
: -- major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2011-11-12 01:32 UTC by BONNEAU Tanguy
Modified: 2011-11-14 01:53 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description BONNEAU Tanguy 2011-11-12 01:32:14 UTC
Since update in logitech media server 7.7, i've no screensaver when player is off on my squeezebox boom. I've tried :
 - to change screensaver (music date time for example)
 - to change font size
 - to change brightness
 - to change settings both by player and by web interface
 - force updating the SBBoom firmware long pressing the brightness button (using my squeezebox classic remote)
The only way to make visible temporarily the date/time is to press snooze button or press sleep button on remote.

It seems other people have the same problem according to this thread http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Squeezebox-Players/Squeezebox-Boom-Screensaver-Problem-after-Upgrading-Squeezebox/td-p/720872

Player Model: Squeezebox Boom
Firmware: 57

Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.1 - r33675 @ Thu Nov 10 09:49:03 CET 2011
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.12.4 - i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi-64int
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 4
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2011-11-13 23:33:59 UTC
did you restart both player and server?
Comment 2 BONNEAU Tanguy 2011-11-14 01:41:05 UTC
I thought upgrading box firmware restarted the player but I unplugged from power, let it some minutes and replugged and everything was fine. Date time appeared like before.
It was the first time I had to unplug like this over 6 years.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2011-11-14 01:53:37 UTC
It's actually a dupe of bug 17497.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 17497 ***