Bugzilla – Bug 10301
Screensaver and dimming stop working
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:29:30 UTC
Start playing a folder. The now playing screen saver will appear after the delay. Press button to go to playlist, select one of the items and press play. Now the screensaver no longer engages. This is true if you leave the display at the playlist, or sometimes even if you navigate someplace else. Sometimes it starts working again after you navigate. Haven't sorted out the cases. 7.3 r3476
I continue to see random screensaver failures. The controller gets into a state where the screensaver and screen dimming stop happening. A reboot the only fix I've found. Contrary to the previous description, it's not related to any particular sequence of operations. I can't figure out how to reproduce it. Is there any logging I could enable to help see what's happening. I'm running 3698 right now and still seeing it.
I also see this type of screensaver failures, see http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=380768#post380768. Somehow it is connected to showing the legend "Off" at the top of the Now Playing screen, instead of "Now Playing". I cannot finda a specific sequence of keypresses to reproduce the problem, it is intermittent.
I've seen it when Now Playing was correct.
Another flavor - the now playing screensaver kicks in, but screen never dims. Leads, of course, to quick battery depletion.
Again another version, with r3856. My controller right now does not engage the screensaver, it just stays at the last screen. But the screen does dim. All this smells to me like a generic failure in restarting a timer. In my experience with timer code, this is often caused by races between main line setting/resetting of the timer and timer pops which try to re-queue the timer. Sorry for the gratuitous comments which of course should be ignored :-)
In the last reported case, setting the screensaver to none and then back to now playing revived it.
I continue to suffer this issue. Is there no logging I can turn on that will help resolve it? Currently, once or more a day, screensaver stops triggering, and ONLY reboot revives it. I've looked in the logs, and see no difference when it works and when it doesn't. Dimming keeps working, but neither screensaver ever appears.
Moving to the product SqueezePlay because this bug appears to apply to any player based on that application code. Feel free to move it back if it's specific to the single original product.
Swtiching to P1 since this seems to happen frequently, and I think need SS to work consistently for release
I have not seen this lately and I can no longer reproduce it trying various ways, including the steps described in the bug..