Bug 4768 - squeezebox shows URL instead of artist/title metadata for Icecast Ogg streams
: squeezebox shows URL instead of artist/title metadata for Icecast Ogg streams
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Misc
: 71
: PC RedHat Linux
: P2 enhancement (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2007-02-19 14:25 UTC by Peter Watkins
Modified: 2009-11-07 06:15 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Peter Watkins 2007-02-19 14:25:25 UTC
I've set up Icecast to stream Ogg music to my Squeezeboxes. The stream plays fine, but the Squeezeboxes display the URL "filename" (including the ".ogg" suffix) instead of the artist/title information that's embedded in the music stream sent by Icecast. Other software that plays the Ogg streams not only displays the metadata from Icecast but also notices metadata changes (as do the Squeezeboxes for MP3 streams).
Comment 1 Spies Steven 2007-03-01 09:53:31 UTC
Peter, I am not sure if we support Icecast metadata in an ogg stream right now and will look into it. In the meantime I am going to mark this as an enhancement.
Comment 2 Spies Steven 2007-11-16 10:43:41 UTC
Changing to unassigned for review.
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2009-11-07 06:15:54 UTC
Just happened to come across this old bug, it's fixed now.