Bugzilla – Bug 13055
Album Art enlargement via button press
Last modified: 2010-05-20 14:23:56 UTC
Streaming from Internet Radio or Music Library, have a simple one button press to enlarge Album Art to full screen, perhaps one of the Presets? Same button stops full screen size display and/or times out in xx seconds back to regular Album Art size?
Maybe use the Big Knob? In While Playing screen turning the Knob does nothing (that I'm aware of). Maybe a two or three step in increasing Album Art size? - each right turn click of Knob increases Album Art size by 1/3 - three turn clicks = Album Art is now full screen? - fourth turn click returns to standard Now Playing screen with standard Album Art size - and/or left turn click decreases Album Art size by 1/3, back to original Now Playing art size
Patches Welcome
r8121 Very nice! Knob turn = resize album/station art Is the current functionality considered complete (multiple knob clicks = resize, and only two art sizes)? Or are the plans to extend this to a couple more art size options like 3 or 4 different sizes of art depending on number of knob clicks? It's great just the way it is, just curious what I should be looking for in future updates. :)
no immediate plans for more Now Playing screen styles, but the framework is now there to support that. On Radio, I think it's more likely we'd add a text-only view for users that don't care for album artwork (they are a vocal minority), but that presents some pretty tricky layout challenges. Moving this bug to fixed...let me know if you disagree with that assessment.
This is broken on Radio r7915. Knob turn no longer resizes art.
Toby: R7915 is less then R8121, there for the feature is not available. Not broken, just not there.
DOH! I got fooled by the old online vs local server update/downgrade loop. Sorry, totally my bad, all is working fine. :)
Actually, I'm only partially an idiot (stop laughing) :) Last.fm and Pandora are not resizing album art via knob while on MySB, even with correct FW Version r8152
Radio r8176 connected to MySB.com Not only is knob turn = art resize not working on Pandora, when I turn the knob the stream re-buffers every time. Last.fm knob turn = art resize still not working, but at least not causing re-buffering.
QA can you please look into this
Changing priorities due to management guidance.
Moving lower-priority bugs to next target
This seems fixed now. Knob = art resize seems to function fine on Last.fm and Pandora, no re-buffers
Feel free to let us know if it gets broken again. Unfortunately this test will probably not get run for each release, but will only get run occasionally. Marking 'worksforme' since I don't know exactly what change fixed this the second time.