Bugzilla – Bug 13795
Alarm UI enhancements
Last modified: 2012-02-29 11:04:15 UTC
Created attachment 5760 [details] Ref artwork - "set" state indication 1. Need to add 4th state to indicate number has been set by user -un-selected column, set character = RGB 179. See attached screen comp. 2. Need to center text hort. in column. Currently pushed too far to right 3. Consider adding back in confirm/done column so that user can preview selection before submitting. 4. Remove popup "Saving Alarm..." Unnecessary as text is added to menu list 5. Remove popup "All Alarms Disabled" + "All Alarms Enabled". Unnecessary as text changes with action. 6. User should be prompted to set other options immediately after entering time. Quick fix would be to push them into the screen ex. Alarm 1: 12:00AM with options listed below. Please set priority appropriately.
Cc'ing Seth for comment and review.
This looks very nice. Probably too much scope creep, but I wonder whether or not we can/should allow users to specify which days of the week a given alarm is valid for. If they do nothing, then the alarm is "active" and will keep going off until it's deactivated. But they can also choose to go to another settings screen for a given alarm (e.g., Alarm #1 => "set recurrence") and then check off Monday, Tuesday, etc. including "every day". This is particularly useful for weekday vs. weekend. Or, in the case of a student or worker where some days start earlier than others, setting alarms that map to your schedule and then never having to "deactivate Alarm #1, activate Alarm #2" and then reversing that every few days... Other than that which, like I said, is probably too much for now, I think this looks great. My only other question is whether or not the "hour" column is inheriting/respecting the "time mode" (or whatever we call it) from Settings/ where the user can specify 24 hour vs. am/pm. If so, and if the user has chosen to display their time using am/pm then we would need a third column (or some other selector?) to specify am or pm.
1. Not for 7.4 2. Will fix 3. Not for 7.4 4. Update your SC, already fixed this 5. Update your SC, already fixed this 6. Will look into this, but doubt it's doable for 7.4
Seth, I believe 100% of what you've described is already available. Alarms can be edited to go on particular days. Multiple alarms can be set so the weekday vs. weekend alarms (or whatever) are different 24h vs. 12h clock is supported.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7349 to the jive repo by bklaas == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7349 == Bug: 13795 Description: better center the numbers horizontally in the columns
After reflection I don't believe that point #6 should be done and the current behavior is best. After creating the alarm you are popped back to the menu that shows your alarm. If you want to edit it further (particular days, etc.), this is available to you by drilling into this item. IMO, nothing left to do that's 7.4 P1
Thank you Ben. For 1. Can we add this in ASAP? Of the list this will add the most to usability. For 6. this is proposed with a new user in mind. Because of our tree structure a majority of the editable features and settings are hidden unless the user decides to nav into an alarm they just created. I would argue that this is not intuitive upon first usage. I would assume that the menu would take me back into the screen I just came from (time edit or "set time"). None of this is needs to be completed or looked at until Weldon get's back and certainly not for 7.4. Is is possible for QA to send out notices to beta testers that they should update/reinstall Squeezebox Server software when a major update has been made? This way bugs will not be filed that are out of sync with development...
Ben- Where does the titlebar text stand? Currently, the titlebar is blank. Is this pending direction or just not implemented? ex. Set Time
opened bug 13828 for the title bar text in Set Time
Per Bobbykin/CXR, need to investigate design improvements re visibility of setting advanced alarm features.
moving current p2 bugs to p3 to make room for moving p1.5 bugs to p2
Administrative move of 7.5 bugs. All P2, P3, P4 being downgraded one level. Will then split P1s.
Moving lower-priority bugs to next target
This bug encapsulates what product marketing has asked for with alarms & 7.6