Bug 16402 - fallback alarm after snooze can be erroneously dismissed
: fallback alarm after snooze can be erroneously dismissed
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Applet
: 7.5.x
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: 7.5.1
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
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Reported: 2010-07-26 13:19 UTC by Ben Klaas
Modified: 2010-09-13 11:29 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

shut fallback alarm timeout timer off when snooze or alarm off is hit (1.20 KB, patch)
2010-07-26 13:19 UTC, Ben Klaas
Details | Diff

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Description Ben Klaas 2010-07-26 13:19:14 UTC
Created attachment 6919 [details]
shut fallback alarm timeout timer off when snooze or alarm off is hit

The bug occurs when the server is down at alarm time so the fallback alarm
sounds, and then the user hits snooze. When the alarm comes back from snooze,
sometimes this alarm is dismissed erroneously.

FYI, this bug was introduced with the fix for bug 16149. The fix is to make
sure that the fallback alarm timeout timer is stopped when the fallback alarm
is dismissed (through either snooze or turning off the alarm)
Comment 1 SVN Bot 2010-07-27 07:03:23 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #8993 to the jive repo by bklaas ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=8993 ==

Fixed Bug: 16402
Description: stop fallback alarm timeout timer when fallback alarm is silenced e.g. by a snooze action
Comment 2 SVN Bot 2010-07-27 07:04:29 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #8994 to the jive repo by bklaas ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=8994 ==

Bug: 16402
Description: back port previous 7.6 alarm checkin to 7.5/trunk
Comment 3 Ben Klaas 2010-07-27 11:08:43 UTC
still broken when executing Test Case 11a: Server disconnected at alarm time, snooze, server comes back during snooze period

Jul 27 11:35:17 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:734 disconnected mysqueezebox.com idleTimeoutTriggered: true
Jul 27 11:35:17 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezebox.server - SlimServer.lua:737 idle disconnected mysqueezebox.com
Jul 27 11:35:17 squeezeplay: INFO   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:367 notify_serverDisconnected: SlimServer {mysqueezebox.com} is now disconnected
Jul 27 11:35:17 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:371 notify_serverDisconnected: SlimServer {mysqueezebox.com} - disconnected, but no server alarm in progress : rtc
Jul 27 11:35:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:459 rtc alarm has timed out
Jul 27 11:35:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:667 setting player back to self.previousVolume: 53
Jul 27 11:35:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:680 _alarmOff: RTC alarm canceled
Jul 27 11:35:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:710 _stopTimer: stopping RTC fallback alarm timer
Jul 27 11:35:20 squeezeplay: WARN   squeezeplay.timer - Timer.lua:193 timer error: ...share/jive/applets/AlarmSnooze/AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:691: attempt to index field 'alarmWindow' (a nil value)
Comment 4 SVN Bot 2010-07-27 11:09:18 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #8996 to the jive repo by bklaas ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=8996 ==

Fixed Bug: 16402
Description: make fallback alarm timer timeout a one-time alarm
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2010-09-13 11:29:54 UTC
This bug has now been fixed in a released version of the Squeezeplay firmware (SB Touch, SB Radio, and SB Controller).  If you are still seeing this bug, please make certain you are running firmware 9009 or higher, and re-open it.
