Bug 6259 - Fishbone has new display corruptions in 15021
: Fishbone has new display corruptions in 15021
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Skins
: 7.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 minor (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2007-12-01 14:08 UTC by Steve Sheafor
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:12 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Album/Artist list display corruption (335.30 KB, image/jpeg)
2007-12-01 14:10 UTC, Steve Sheafor
Playlist display corruption (333.66 KB, image/jpeg)
2007-12-01 14:11 UTC, Steve Sheafor

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Description Steve Sheafor 2007-12-01 14:08:59 UTC
I just downloaded 7.0 - 15021.  My previous version was 14805.  In the new version, there are two display corruptions in the Fishbone skin which did not exist in 14805.

1)  Whenever a list of Albums or Artists is displayed, the Delete ("X") symbol is not displayed at the right end of the line, and the other three symbols (Play, Insert, Add) are at the very right end of the line.  Placing the cursor over the line causes the display to become correct, and once it is correct it stays that way until a new letter page is chosen.  If the entry fills more than one page, the selections after the first page are correct, as are the lowest three entries of the first page.  The first attachment shows this display.

2)  In the Playlist, the currently playing track is blank in the list, although it is displayed correctly in the "Now Playing" section at the top.  Placing the cursor over the blank selection causes it to reappear, as does adding tracks to the playlist or refreshing the display.  the second attachment shows this display, with the 15th track playing.
Comment 1 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-01 14:10:23 UTC
Created attachment 2461 [details]
Album/Artist list display corruption
Comment 2 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-01 14:11:20 UTC
Created attachment 2462 [details]
Playlist display corruption

Note that I swept the cursor quickly over the Album/artist list just before this, so some entries have been corrected.
Comment 3 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-01 14:13:50 UTC
One additional note - if I display a single Album the Delect symbol shows correctly, but when I place the cursor over a track the gray highlight does not extend over the Delete symbol.  I don't have any way to capture this display.
Comment 4 KDF 2007-12-03 09:19:16 UTC
Steve, I don't keep a database of configurations for each user. Can you please include browsers used when reporting web ui errors, as well as any errors reported by whatever error-reporting exists for that browser.  for FF, this owuld be anything from firebug.  for IE, look for the javascript error icon, lower left.
Comment 5 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-03 09:29:18 UTC
I am running IE7.  When I display a new letter page in Albums or Artists, I don't get any error messages (the lower left hand corner of the display says "Done").

I can also run IE6 on my server machine.  In this case the error is clearer, because the Delete symbol "X" is initially partially visible, and then moving the cursor over a line causes the symbols to shift to the left until they are correctly displayed.  The lower left hand corner message says "Play".
Comment 6 KDF 2007-12-03 10:02:10 UTC
I'm having a problem with this as I am unable to reproduce it.  Nothing has changed since 14805 outside of the addition of NEW style controls for the settings pages at change 14861 and a small naming convention change from andy at change 14840. Why you should have it working at 14805 and not now is a mystery.  
Comment 7 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-03 10:45:34 UTC
Since I see this error on two different machines with different OSes and different browsers, I assume it isn't caused by some update to Windows or IE.

I went back to the oldest nightly which I can see, which is 14964 from 11/26.  This version also has the error, so the change causing the problem was before this.  Is there some way I can get access to the versions between 14805 and 14964.  If I can get them, I can determine exactly which version contained the change.
Comment 8 KDF 2007-12-03 10:59:07 UTC
svn (or TortoiseSVN for windows) will give you access to all versions.  use http://svn.slimdevices.com/repos/slim/trunk for the repository. This will, however, not be a pre-compiled version, so you'd also need activePerl installed to run the whole server.  This is, however, just skin related so you'd only need to copy the HTML folder over the installed version to test.

Are any of these problems showing in any other skins?

I'd also recommend clearing browser caches, and slimserver cache.

reassigning to qa to reproduce.
Comment 9 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-03 11:27:14 UTC
Since I don't have PERL or SVN, I suspect it would take a lot of work for both of us for me to get an old version compiled correctly.  In addition, when I follow the link you listed, I get to version 15029, which I assume is the very latest version.  I cannot find any way to specify a different version.  I'm going to go back to 14805 (which I do have) and make sure that it still works correctly first.  Don't you keep a backup of all versions?

I have tried the Default and Classic skins.  Since the symbols don't display in Default skin until you select the track, the first part of this bug cannot occur.  The symbols are correct in Classic.  The blanking of the currently playing track does not occur in either of these skins.
Comment 10 KDF 2007-12-03 12:08:18 UTC
Steve, I don't work for slim devices...so when you ask if I keep backups...no *I* personally don't. If I were able to reproduce the problem on IE6 or 7 on WinXP, I'd gladly svn back through versions to track which change is a problem.  However, as I mentioned before, there really are only TWO revisions that affect fishbone skin between 14805 and 15021.  If you were to see any of the effects in other skins, then I could expand the problem to perhaps include the common code.  Since you do not, then it's not very likely to be in common code.  I highly suspect something doesn't match up locally (ie: your system).  You could also try erasing SqueezeCenter\server\HTML completely and reinstalling.  This makes sure that you don't have any old templates hanging about during an upgrade and reinstall 15021.

The reason you see 15029 from the link is that this is the most recent, and is not intended for browsing (it's the link to be used for svn and svn clients).

The web page for viewCVS (http://svn.slimdevices.com/) does have links to allow you to browse the whole code tree and all versions if you wish to explore.
Comment 11 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-04 20:44:28 UTC

I keep forgetting you're not an employee, so I meant the royal "you", i.e. SlimDevices, who certainly has everything backed up somewhere.

When I installed 14964, I removed SqueezeCenter and deleted the entire SlimDevices folder, so what I had at the point of the error is definitely as clean an install as is possible.

I reinstalled 14805 (after uninstalling and deleting the SqueezeCenter folder), and it works fine, so the problem is definitely caused by something which changed between 14805 and 14964, rather than something which changed in my system.  

If there is any way for me to get versions between these two in compiled Windows format, I am happy to try them out to see where the problem actually begins.  I don't think it is viable for me to try to create a compilation environment myself.
Comment 12 KDF 2007-12-05 15:43:57 UTC
change 15055 adds back a minor element of the skin style that was part of the changes between the two nightlies in question.  It's removal was not required for the intended change, so I'll add it back in as it doesn't seem to make much difference here.  Maybe it will make a difference for you.

I really need another set of eyes on this.  Given that I cannot reproduce the problem here, I'm losing a lot of time on something that from my viewpoint isn't a bug.
Comment 13 Steve Sheafor 2007-12-06 19:48:14 UTC
I downloaded the latest version 7.0 - 15064, and both problems described in this bug are now gone.  It appears that the style change somehow caused both issues, even though they seemed to be different.
Comment 14 KDF 2007-12-07 08:07:03 UTC
Comment 15 Chris Owens 2008-03-07 09:05:01 UTC
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released!  Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html

If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.