Bug 14004 - Multi level custom menu
: Multi level custom menu
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: PC Debian Linux
: -- enhancement with 46 votes (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2009-09-12 10:08 UTC by Marc Auslander
Modified: 2013-05-01 12:19 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Feature

"menus" screenshot from mysb (88.55 KB, image/png)
2009-09-30 14:43 UTC, Weldon Matt

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Description Marc Auslander 2009-09-12 10:08:00 UTC
7.4 has somehow brought more stuff to the top level menu.  Much of what was in extra is now separate.

What I want is a single page top menu (I can see all the entries without scanning) and the ability to put less often used stuff under on catch all entry.

There are many UI possibilities for this.  Simplest would be to add a second settings menu like home menu for specifying the contents of the second level use menu.

But at the moment, having gone to 7.4, a feel my controller home menu is cluttered - and I have to scroll to far to get to the stuff I want.
Comment 1 Chris Owens 2009-09-14 09:26:15 UTC
Settings -> Home Menu lets you decide what to see in the home menu.

Additional complexity of configuration will be considered for a future version.
Comment 2 Marc Auslander 2009-09-14 13:13:32 UTC
This was a poorly expressed enhancement request of mine.

The problem is that the only choice the home menu customization gives you is on or off.  If an entry is off, the only way to get to it is to recustomize the menu to turn it on, use it, then again recustomize the menu to turn it off again.  This is a PITA.

The new UI makes this worse by adding more first level items, which are thus either in the home menu or inaccessible.  And at the same time reducing the number of menu entries on the screen.

Some solutions in my order of preference.

A better solution someone comes up with.

Second level customizable menu.

First level item that gives access to the whole tree - think of it as temporarily suppressing the customization.

Ability to reorder the home menu so the things you use most are together at the top.

(note that the SB3 menu system has the same problem).
Comment 3 Ken 2009-09-16 20:02:33 UTC
Actually the re-ordering of home menu seems fine to me on SB3. Anyway, on suggestion of Tom W (see http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=458893#post458893) I've created bug 14090 (https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14090), which deals only with re-ordering of Home menu items on SqueezeOS based players.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2009-09-17 09:18:40 UTC
*** Bug 14090 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Ken 2009-09-17 09:34:42 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> *** Bug 14090 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Okay, fine, treat them as the same bug. Imho, the ability to re-order the Home menu is the easiest, and most important starting point. Multi-level custom menus would be a nice bonus, but adding the capability to impose at least some sense of order on the apparently random placement of home menu items is a higher priority. And easier to accomplish.
Comment 6 Marc Auslander 2009-09-17 09:39:44 UTC
I agree that being able to order the home menu would be good enough, and is wanted anyhow in an ideal world.  So if we can get that now, putting off anything else makes perfect sense.

A post above reminded me that I use the order menu feature on my SB3 to make this problem much less of an issue.
Comment 7 tdnuerf@gmail.com 2009-09-30 08:09:56 UTC
Yes, please allow reordering of home menu items on all devices.  On the SBC, listing "Favorites" after "Internet Radio," "App Gallery," and "My Apps" is just not right.
Comment 8 Christian 2009-09-30 13:50:46 UTC
I would also like the idea of being able to put the items listed in the home menu into a new (user defined) order.
Furthermore, I would also like to be able to rename these items, giving them unique, more appropriate names.
Comment 9 Weldon Matt 2009-09-30 14:42:35 UTC
Currently, for older players, the mysqueezebox.com website has a "menus" tab in the players section where you have robust control over your home menu, including a drag-and-drop interface to reorder the items.

We were supposed to launch with this feature for Duet and Radio in 7.4, but for whatever reason it didn't get finished in time.  I'm told that this feature will be added soon for the newer players.  Apologies for the frustration.


In terms of on-device editing, we will of coursework to improve this user experience, but I must caution that it's not realistic to expect ALL potential functionality to be designed, built and supported in the on-device UI.

These devices have limits, they're not full-blown computers with mice, keyboards, large screens etc. Some things, like ordering the items in a menu, are really best done via a web or desktop software interface.

Again, apologies for the delay in getting this feature done for Duet/Radio/Touch, it will be there soon.

See attachment for a look at the Boom UI on mysqueezebox.com...
Comment 10 Weldon Matt 2009-09-30 14:43:03 UTC
Created attachment 5960 [details]
"menus" screenshot from mysb
Comment 11 Ken 2009-09-30 15:21:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #9)
> Currently, for older players, the mysqueezebox.com website has a "menus" tab in
> the players section where you have robust control over your home menu,
> including a drag-and-drop interface to reorder the items.
> We were supposed to launch with this feature for Duet and Radio in 7.4, but for
> whatever reason it didn't get finished in time.  I'm told that this feature
> will be added soon for the newer players.  Apologies for the frustration.

Thanks for the explanation. But the older players also have complete control over the home menu from the SC/SbS Settings > Player > Menu settings. I'd have to check to be sure, but my recollection is that it's the local settings that take precedence when the player is connected to a local SC/SbS. 

Are you saying that the future home menu control on SBC, Radio, and Touch will by via mysqueezebox.com only? That doesn't sound good to me. Or will it be possible to customize via local SbS?
Comment 12 Weldon Matt 2009-10-04 15:23:15 UTC
> Are you saying that the future home menu control on SBC, Radio, and Touch will
> by via mysqueezebox.com only? 

No, that's not what I'm saying.  I'm saying that once it is added in it will be the superior UI for this, regardless of what on-device improvements we make.  I can't guarantee being able to sort the order of menu items on-device for example.

> Or will it be possible to customize via local SbS?

I can't promise this; all I can say is that improvements are definitely coming for both on-device customization and mysqueezebox.com-based customization.
Comment 13 Ken 2009-10-06 12:39:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> I can't promise this; all I can say is that improvements are definitely coming
> for both on-device customization and mysqueezebox.com-based customization.
Okay, that sounds promising ;o)
And is it likely, or certain, that the devices will have a way of remembering the preferred customization set via the MySB UI without having to "phone home" to MySB, even after a reboot?
Comment 14 Philip Meyer 2009-10-09 16:33:13 UTC
It should be possible to configure via Squeezebox Server, not just MySqueezebox.com.

The most frustrating thing is having an Internet Radio menu, but most radio stations being accessed now as Apps that are not in Internet Radio.  Although you want all Apps to be in MyApps and/or Home menu (which means they are intermixed with non-radio station provider apps), there really ought to be an easy way to get them all listed in a logic place.
Comment 15 Manoj Kasichainula 2009-10-13 15:23:25 UTC
I would also prefer that core features of the products not be restricted to MySB. I like having local control of how my stuff works, and being able to fix bugs myself when needed. If more local device features are going to become MySB only, it would be good to know. Thanks.
Comment 16 Marc Auslander 2009-10-13 16:12:28 UTC
I agree.  It's should be an absolute requirement that people with a server can operate without an internet connection.
Comment 17 Paul Mackenzie 2010-01-11 06:04:28 UTC
I too would like to see reordering supported on the Radio (just like it is on the Boom)


Comment 18 Chris Owens 2010-02-02 15:11:33 UTC
Moving Matt Weldon bugs
Comment 19 mpower9 2010-04-08 12:50:01 UTC
I don't care whether the control of the home menu is on mysqueezebox.com, squeezebox server, or on the Radio. I just want to be able to set it up in a convenient and rational order.
Comment 20 Marc 2010-05-22 02:09:52 UTC
100% Ack to  mpower9's comment.
I *WNAT* to arange menu items in my way. Don't care where to do it...
Comment 21 Don 2010-05-25 13:47:15 UTC
I agree with the comments here. I have previously voted on this bug, but would like to add my $0.02 that I have never used Squeezenetwork/MYSB, and never will use it. I have no interest in using the internet to listen to MY music. I know all of the kids these days are doing "cloud"-this, and "cloud"-that, but I will ALWAYS use my Squeezeboxen utilizing a 24/7/365 running home server! So Logitech moving ever-more to the "MY"SB platform will move me evermore to another music player/platform!  In addition, *I* want ultimate control over what my Controller/Squeezeboxen/etc display and how to get to what *I* WANT is imperative. And Logitech needs to enable US to place what we want, where we want! I don't need to "do" Facebook from my Controller, thankyouverymuch!
Comment 22 Mark Leman 2010-07-06 16:19:55 UTC
The ability to reorder the menu items on my squeezebox controller would be very welcome. I have 5 players and one controller,having to scroll down on the controller menu to select the 'choose player' item every time is most annoying. Being able to reorder the home menu items would alow me to move 'choose player' to the top of the home menu where it would be the selected item as soon as I hit the home button.

Regards, Mark Leman
Comment 23 Raimund Hirschberg 2011-03-17 09:22:05 UTC
I agree. The ability to change the order of items on the home menu would be really great.
Comment 24 Alan Young 2011-11-06 23:24:04 UTC
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.