Bugzilla – Bug 17758
Pop up symbols linger too long on the screen
Last modified: 2012-03-28 01:51:03 UTC
Use the ir-remote press play or pause or anything , but especially play. A big play symbol pops up on the screen to confirm the action. This symbol is shown for a very long time iritating. Make the time much shorter .
I agree. Someone in the forums was saying that it was once much shorter. That seems correct - I don't recall the popups lasting as long during the beta testing.
I was the one to bring this up in the forums. It is very annoying and did not need to be lengthened. Try scanning through a bunch of radio stations and you'll see what I mean.
hello all, has it improved in 7.7.2 build 33866 the latest nightly ? I think it is shorter now,( could possibly be even shorter IMO ) Or I'm imagining things or has something else improved, please try
Pause/Resume, Shuffle, Repeat and Volume indicators stay up for about 3 seconds, so aren't too bad. They could be a little shorter, IMO; something like 2-2.5 seconds would be ideal. The big problem is with Play, which stays up for at least 8 seconds.
Data point-- I'm running 7.6 (too ornery about LMS to upgrade yet), and the delays are about 3.5 seconds for all SB Touch IR player control popups, including play. The delays were scientifically measured by counting 1-mississippi-2-mississippi-..., but quite definitely less than 4 seconds. If it went to 8 seconds, my guess is that is has something to do with work that was done in 7.7 to obey the duration flag in showbriefly messages better.
Just tried 7.6.2 and 7.5.6 servers (both with 7.7.2 r9601 firmware running on the Touch) and I still see the problem with 7.6.2, but not 7.5.6.
I think I tracked down the problem: r32236 in 7.6 trunk. http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=32236
The problem is that the duration of the popup is tied to the duration of the Title update. This is 10s in order to ensure that, even on a slow day, all the changes associated with playing the new track have completed before it (the show-briefly title) times out, so that the title does not oscillate between the old and new tracks. The title, however, will be updated as soon as the new player-state arrives with the new track details. However, in the case that a popup is present, the popup does not get dismissed with that event.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #33918 to the slim repo by ayoung == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=33918 == Fixed bug 17758: Pop up symbols linger too long on the screen Do not set a duration of 10000 on jive show-brieflies for current song state, which are used for playlist jump events, just to ensure that the new track title is pushed to the first line of the display and stays there until a new playerStatus arrives (which can take quite a long time under some circumstances). This affected both the duration of the new title on the display and that of the the Play pop-up icon if the command was invoked via IR. Having the popup hang around for 10s can be irritating. Given that the player has control of title change itself, it can set a long duration on just that element and use the default show-briefly duration for the popup.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9683 to the jive repo by ayoung == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=9683 == Fixed bug 17758: Pop up symbols linger too long on the screen Do not set a duration of 10000 on jive show-brieflies for current song state, which are used for playlist jump events, just to ensure that the new track title is pushed to the first line of the display and stays there until a new playerStatus arrives (which can take quite a long time under some circumstances). This affected both the duration of the new title on the display and that of the the Play pop-up icon if the command was invoked via IR. Having the popup hang around for 10s can be irritating. Given that the player has control of title change itself, it can set a long duration on just that element and use the default show-briefly duration for the popup.