Bugzilla – Bug 2464
browse artwork broken when using handheld skin from windows mobile
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:39:24 UTC
the play/add links and album image links are unclickable. reproduced with 6.2.1 r4963 on windows xp handheld was a dell axim (unknown model) with ms pocket pc version 4.20.0 build 13349
they seem to work for me. sample play link: http://server:9000/Handheld/status.html?command=playlist&subcommand=loadtracks&album=336&player=00%3A04%3A20%3A05%3A32%3Ae2 clicking played the album. using Firefox & tried IE Can you paste a sample link or the source code when you are able to reproduce? michael, any thoughts?
Somebody give me a Pocket PC to test :-). What do you mean by "unclickable"? If you right click a button and copy the url, what is it? Works for me on Opera, too.
It doesn't fail in firefox or IE...only in IE on Windows Mobile. heh. should have mentioned that earlier--sorry about that.
can you grab and attach the page source using windows mobile? anyone know if windows mobile support css classes and such?
Can you try on your handheld and comment?
can't save the page source... as far as css stuff, i have no idea... googling proved fruitless.
It seems that windows mobile Ie shoudl support divs, float:left http://blogs.msdn.com/windowsmobile/articles/213771.aspx however, I'm not sure about the onMouseOver js event. try removing that from EN/browselinks.html and see if you can then click the controls. If so, we can make a custom browselinks.html for handheld without the js. No idea why the artwork isn't clickable,though :(
unclear as to specifically what needs to be removed from browselinks.html... if i remove what (i think is) just the onmouseover portion, nothing shows up at all on browse artwork...
sorry. I should have been more clear. remove: onMouseOver="self.status='[% cmdstring | string %]';return true"
ah, good guess on my part...that's exactly what i removed. when i removed it, no albums showed up under browse artwork.
Created attachment 988 [details] browselinks for Handheld Kevin, could you please drop that browselinks.html in the Handheld folder? Does the behaviour change in any way when you reload the page in PocketIE?
http://hps.mallat.cz/download.php looks to be an emulator, from the bits of it that I can read :)
michael--sorry about the delay, things have been nuts here this week. but no, that seems to make no difference putting that browselinks.html in to the handheld folder.
Created attachment 1004 [details] Another try to fix the unclickable button issue Please drop this file to your Handheld folder. It fixes an issue with the table structure. There was in fact no row defined for the columns with the buttons. Maybe fat browsers successfully try to interpret that incorrect html while PocketIE does not recognize it.
is this browsedb_artwork.html? if so it doesn't seem to fix the problem
Created attachment 1005 [details] minimalistic browsedb_artwork.html Yet another try to fix some incorrect table structure. I tried to strip down the layout to a minimum - it will change the layout on screen considerably. But I'd like to know whether Pocket IE has a problem with the broken html (table cells without row definition) or div tags. Please replace your existing browsedb_artwork.html and try again. Thanks!
so you want me to replace the one in the Handheld folder, right? not someplace else? I did that, with this new one you just sent me, and it's failing to show anything on the page now... if i put the old one back in and reload the page, it shows the album artwork again.
I'll look at this tomorrow when I have access to the handheld.
Just to be sure: we are talking about 6.2.x, not the trunk? I can't believe it's completely failing...
yes, i'm using a 6.2.1 nightly from like last wednesday or so. not trunk.
The problem is that the <div> tag surrounding that file cause the links inside to break on that browser. I think we can safely get rid of them. What do you think, Michael? If so, would you do the honors?
Getting rid of the <div> and correct some missing table structure tags was what I tried to do three times. I failed. I did what I thought was the solution. I'm sorry, but I don't see what else I could try without a device to test with.
fixed for tonight's nightly in 6.5 release.
reopening bug because i have a customer who is very dissatisfied with some of 6.5b1's bugs and won't use it, but wanted this fix. can you please merge this change in to the 6.2.2 tree and close the bug once that's been completed?
The Dell Handheld is an Axiom 50 with 64 meg ram. The Handheld interface works with XP on laptop or desktop. Also, the default web interface does not have this issue when using my Axiom Handheld. Download latest nightly, 6.51b on 01/18/06 and tested with my Dell Axiom and the bug was fixed there. However, could not save playlist( which I understand is known issue). Also in 6.5b1 I noticed that when in the status window the next and previous selections causes the artwok to disappear. Let me know if you need to test with my handheld at anytime for this or another release or issue. I like the interface and can be advocate.. Hope you can get to this soon (move over to 6.2.2).
merged a patch over from 6.5 (change 5586), made compatible with 6.2 style templates. Let me know if this fixes the display issues with pda windows. change 5877
(In reply to comment #27) > merged a patch over from 6.5 (change 5586), made compatible with 6.2 style > templates. Let me know if this fixes the display issues with pda windows. > change 5877 > I tested this change to 6.2.2 on my Dell handheld and the artwork issue was solved. Great I was happy for a moment. Then I switched from handheld interface to the default ( and from fishbone also)and then I got this html message which I never had before: 403 Forbidden: setup.html In order to request this URL from a Bookmark/Favorite, or some means other than following a link from the SlimServer web interface, you will need to use a URL with a \"cauth\" security parameter. If you received this error when following a link from the SlimServer web interface, you will want to make sure your web browser software (including proxy servers and spyware/privacy software) is allowing \"Referer\" headers to be sent. Below is the appropriate URL for the URL you attempted.;cauth=979427ef254621333202b5fae3eea452 </setup.html?page=performance&player=00%3A04%3A20%3A05%3Ac5%3A1c&playerid=;cauth=979427ef254621333202b5fae3eea452> Because your CSRF protection level is set at 'MEDIUM', you can use the same ";cauth=" value for any URL; this means you should be more careful who you share your URLs with. Once this happened things got rather unstabble like the Album Review pluggin could not find any album information. Don't know if this is connected. So I went back to a prior downloaded version of 6.2.2 and everthing worked ok except the artwork issue of course. Please help... Thanks again.... Joe Temple josephltemple@aol.com
That message is simply a security feature. It is only supposed to come up if you try to directly go to one of the setup pages without clicking one of the proper links leading there. You can get to the page by clicking the link that it gives, or reduce the security to 'none' in server settings->security other than that, marking this one as fixed. please open new bugs, for new issues (album review problem probably best mentioned in the plugins forum since it's a third party)