Bug 2597 - when overwriting a wpa or wpa2 password with # buttons, first position is skipped
: when overwriting a wpa or wpa2 password with # buttons, first position is ski...
Product: SB 2/3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Setup
: 28
: All Other
: P2 trivial (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
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Reported: 2005-11-18 14:05 UTC by Kevin Pearsall
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:38 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Kevin Pearsall 2005-11-18 14:05:09 UTC
Reported by The Brave Sir Robin B.

If you're overwriting a WPA password, when you first get to the menu and hit one of the number keys, it jumps to the second position.  If you don't notice that, a bogus wpa password will be entered.

- reset to factory default (or make sure a wpa password is already in there, the default is 'password' anyhow... which is a separate bug)
- setup networking -> connect to wireless -> pick a network
- select wpa personal or wpa2 personal and press right
- press a number button on the remote and note it skips to the second position without changing the first.
Comment 1 Richard Titmuss 2006-06-01 06:02:50 UTC
This no longer applies to WPA/WPA2 passwords (as they are now displayed with ***'s then the string is reset), but can be seen when entering a wirless network name. This is fixed in fw 52.
Comment 2 Richard Titmuss 2006-06-01 08:48:45 UTC
Fixed in firmware 52. This firmware is now in test.
Comment 3 Chris Owens 2006-06-27 14:22:07 UTC
This bug fix is now part of a released version, and so has been marked closed. If you are still experiencing this problem, please reopen the bug.