Bug 11830 - Synchronization issue with FAB for and other Squeezebox Devices
: Synchronization issue with FAB for and other Squeezebox Devices
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: unspecified
: PC Windows XP
: -- major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Alan Young
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Reported: 2009-04-16 17:15 UTC by Walker LaRon
Modified: 2011-01-13 23:02 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Walker LaRon 2009-04-16 17:15:00 UTC
FAB4 r5265
SB3 fw 125
SB Boom fw 45

Hello All,

I was testing synchronization with FAB4 and other Squeezebox Devices, and was unable to get it to sync properly.

Steps to recreate issue

Connect FAB4 and any other Squeezebox Device to a computer running SqueezeCenter 7.4 25841

Go to settings
Go to the Player's tab
Choose the FAB4
Change the dropdown to Synchronization
Choose to synchronize with another Squeezebox device

Try to play music from FAB4

From here, you can see that the music is delayed on the FAB4.

I tested this with and SB3 and Squeezebox Boom

I also tested this using the SB3 and Squeezebox Boom as the masters as well.


Comment 1 Chris Owens 2009-04-20 09:56:11 UTC
assigning to Alan
Comment 2 Alan Young 2009-04-21 00:26:17 UTC
Very odd. I run with my Fab4 synced to a Boom nearly all the time and it syncs just fine. I mostly stream MP3 but I have tried nearly all formats. What formats are you trying to stream?

Can you check the Settings / Player / <player> / Synchronization page for each player to ensure that no no-default values have been set for the various parameters.

By the way, you cannot really choose the master, at least not without a detailed understanding of the algorithms used. SC chooses a suitable master for a sync-group based on a variety of conditions.
Comment 3 Alan Young 2009-05-13 10:21:33 UTC
Ping LaRon