Bug 2299 - Add auto volume levelling at playback
: Add auto volume levelling at playback
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: unspecified
: All All
: P2 enhancement with 1 vote (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2005-10-16 07:02 UTC by Hans Palm
Modified: 2007-11-21 10:22 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Hans Palm 2005-10-16 07:02:44 UTC
Auto volume levelling would be nice. The server may go through the audio file 
before playback and calculate the correct volume level related to a predefined 
requied perceived level. The Replay Gain method according to 
http://replaygain.hydrogenaudio.org/ should be used, alternative algorithms 
can also be used and selectable. The volume levelling can also be done at 
client side but this requires that the complete audio file is processed, which 
is not suitable, better to do this at the server side.
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2005-10-16 10:14:19 UTC
Replay Gain is supported in the 6.2 nightlies.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1131 ***
Comment 2 Dan Sully 2005-10-16 10:14:58 UTC
Make that 1311

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1311 ***
Comment 3 Hans Palm 2005-10-16 10:58:57 UTC
I'm not sure this is really a duplicate of 1311. My idea is to check the 
volume level of the file just before playing, using the actual audio file. Not 
by reading any tags. Reading tags requires pre-processing of the files, which 
will take very long time with large collections. By doing this just before 
playing a file makes pre-processing redundant and the desired perceived volume 
may be altered when required, without massive reprocessing of files.
Comment 4 KDF 2005-10-16 11:34:47 UTC
Id suggest that you investigate Replaygain.  There is no point in simply
duplicating a feature that already works.
Comment 5 Hans Palm 2005-10-16 11:58:14 UTC
My suggestion involves using the Replay Gain algorithm to calculate the volume 
correction just before playback. If there are any Replay Gain tags stored, 
they can be user, or, alternatively, a new calculation can be forced if 
selected. This may be useful if the user will like to change the settings of 
the required volume. Note: I've tried using MP3Gain for my collection of about 
8000 files. It took several hours so I left it working during the night. In 
the morning my PC had rebooted. My point is that it would be nice to be able 
to calculate the volume just before playback, to avoid having to prepare each 
file in advance.
Comment 6 Dan Sully 2005-10-16 12:01:46 UTC
ReplayGain is a CPU intensive process. It is something that must be run beforehand, especially if one 
wants to calculate proper gain for an entire album.
Comment 7 Hans Palm 2005-10-16 12:11:46 UTC
Yes, it is CPU intensive. But it takes only a couple of seconds per tune, this 
can be done while the previous tune is playing, by slimserver. The server 
knows which tune that will play next in the playlist. So it can calculate the 
changes, update the file, with or without adding tags (like MP3Gain). The 
benefit is that there´s no need of doing massive calculation before hand with 
a large collection and having to repeat the process manually when new tunes 
are added.
Comment 8 KDF 2005-10-16 12:29:16 UTC
you can consider using EAC and ripping to FLAC.  the process will add in
replaygain tags during the process, so your new tunes will already be done.  it
might even be possible with EAC ripping to MP3.  
Comment 9 Dan Evans 2007-05-11 10:44:28 UTC
Got a new request for this feature.  Could it be re-evaluated for a future release?

(from suupport ticket 070507-000372)

Incidentally, one of my biggest gripes in listening to songs on the SB3 is volume levelling -- I think one of the most useful features to incorporate into [Slimserver] would be an automatic volume leveller. I've used mp3gain and iTunes levellers, but these seem ineffective. Are there any plans to introduce any such volume-levelling feature in any future releases?

With best wishes...

Comment 10 Ross Levine 2007-05-11 11:39:51 UTC
Assigning to Chris as this is a feature request. 
Comment 11 KDF 2007-05-12 00:57:48 UTC
removing target, as clearly 6.2 isn't valid any longer
Comment 12 Steve Sheafor 2007-10-23 08:49:20 UTC
Even simply using the iTunes volume function would be a huge improvement.  I realize that a function which required analysis of every bit of every song file is probably prohibitively complex, but a manual function would be a huge help.  This is the most frustrating issue I have with SlimServer.
Comment 13 Spies Steven 2007-10-23 10:51:08 UTC
Steve, we do currently support iTunes Sound Check and Volume Adjustment metadata.  However the behavior when both are present is being considered in bug 3207.
Comment 14 Blackketter Dean 2007-10-26 09:45:09 UTC
Steven, is this a dup?
Comment 15 Spies Steven 2007-10-26 10:13:05 UTC
No, I don't think so.  The original poster requested real time volume adjusting of files in SqueezeCenter without the need to add any type of replay gain metadata to the files before hand.  I'm inclined to give it a target of future or just close it as wont fix.
Comment 16 Blackketter Dean 2007-11-21 10:22:11 UTC
Please use ReplayGain or one of the other supported auto leveling tools.