Bugzilla – Bug 11697
Cosmetic - Welcome screen copy em dashes very distracting/confusing
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:19:09 UTC
Although grammatically correct, the em dashes used on the welcome screen template are distracting and almost read as a bullet point. My personal feeling is that they take away from the overall message of the screen. Couple thoughts: 1. Use parentheses in place of em dashes. Still gramatically correct and perhaps feel more conversational (which is the overall tone we are trying to establish based on the new guidelines). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket#Parentheses_.28_.29 2. Remove the space btwn where the em dash starts and ends on the letters. This at a minimum would call less attention to the phrase. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Em_dashes eg./ The em dash (—), or m dash, m-rule, etc., often demarcates a parenthetical thought—like this one—or some similar interpolation. I realize this is late in the game, and very minor, but they are killing this screen:)
Two problems: 1. The em dashes should not have spaces surrounding them. 2. The em dash in FreeSans is too wide. Let's forget it and just use a couple of commas.
Fixed in r5246.