Bugzilla – Bug 12199
Song position indicator snaps back to old position for a moment upon seek
Last modified: 2011-05-12 11:39:56 UTC
Using the touch interface to select a different position in the track (seek), the position indicator moves with your finger but snaps back to the old position for a moment before playback resumes at the newly-selected position. By contract, the song-scanner on the Controller does not have this problem.
Reset priority before triage.
Fab4-specific. Moving to 8.0.
Tom is no longer available to us
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #9411 to the jive repo by ayoung == == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=9411 == Fixed bug 12199: Song position indicator snaps back to old position for a moment upon seek Mark the player as being in state waitingToPlay as soon as issuing a gototime command to the server or upon registering a touch on the progress-bar slider. This will defeat updates of the progress bar until the next (player)status notification arrives, which should have the correct new time. It is still possible to get a jump in the case that the Slider object has not yet delivered the notification that it has been touched (debounce of pseudo-mouse event), but this is pretty rare and only affects the touch interface.
7.6.r32407 Touch slider is not snapping to old position. I have gotten the indicator to 'split' for a second then it updates