Bug 10384 - SqueezeCenter.exe crash when connecting Duet while scan is running
: SqueezeCenter.exe crash when connecting Duet while scan is running
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.3.0
: PC Windows XP
: P1 critical (vote)
: Investigating
Assigned To: Julius Dauz
: Support-Important
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-12-18 10:19 UTC by Julius Dauz
Modified: 2009-10-02 17:42 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Scanner Log (1.17 KB, text/plain)
2008-12-22 14:22 UTC, James Richardson
Server Log (342.09 KB, text/plain)
2008-12-22 14:23 UTC, James Richardson

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Description Julius Dauz 2008-12-18 10:19:14 UTC
This issue happened twice with two different customers that I worked with. I originally thought it was a fluke when it first happened but then it happened to a different customer pretty much the same way it happened to the first.

The problem as I experienced it:

Both customers need to be updated to SqueezeCenter 7.3, so we completely removed the previous version first. Installed SqueezeCenter 7.3. Once setup was complete, we went through a setup of a Duet from a factory state. We get to the point of selecting a server and during the process, an error message stating squeezecenter.exe has crashed would come up and the Controller > Server connection failed. In both instances, it did seem like the Receiver was able to get connected. In both instances, scanner was running.

In both cases I had the customer reset back to factory defaults, then waited to complete the setup after scanner completed and in both cases the crash did not occur if set up after scanner completed. 

LaRon said he experienced something similar, but on a Mac. I will have LaRon chime in on this bug with his experience.
Comment 1 James Richardson 2008-12-18 11:35:38 UTC
Julius: What OS were the customers running?

We just checked in some changes to SqueezeCenter 7.3.1 24367 to solve a Vista Crash issue, please have your customers try that version, and see if the error is reproducible.

If not, we need the Scanner and Server logs, as well as Jive logs to track down the problem.
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2008-12-18 11:47:02 UTC
Also make sure it's not the "antivirus thinks MySQL data is viral" issue.
Comment 3 Walker LaRon 2008-12-18 13:27:45 UTC
Hello All,
I was able to reproduce this on my Mac OS 10.4 running SqueezeCenter 7.3 - 24282 machine twice

Steps in re-creating the issue is as follows:

Connected to SqueezeNetwork
- Left connected to SqueezeNetwork for a over 10 minutes
- Verified that SqueezeCenter was running
- Tried to connect to Mac OS 10.4 running SqueezeCenter 7.3 - 24282

- The Squeezebox Controller was stuck on "Trying to Connect to Squeezebox"
- This locked up my Mac
- I then had to unplug the Ray and turn off the Jive
- After this my Mac became usable again
- I then checked to see if SqueezeCenter was running and the Server was Stopped
- I re-started SqueezeCenter, turned on the Ray and Jive, and it connected fine

I don't know if this issue was due to our Network here, but I thought I'd give this information to this bug.

**Note... I was only able to produce this twice, on different days, and I have just attempted to reproduce it, but could not***


Comment 4 Michael Herger 2008-12-18 13:43:44 UTC
> I was able to reproduce this on my Mac OS 10.4 running SqueezeCenter 7.3 -

I very seriously doubt you were able to crash squeezecenter.EXE on your mac.
Comment 5 James Richardson 2008-12-21 19:56:14 UTC
Julius: Can you have your customers try 7.3.1 nightly, does that still crash their system?
Comment 6 James Richardson 2008-12-22 12:54:44 UTC
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	SQUEEZ~1.EXE
  Application Version:	24372.0.0.0
  Application Timestamp:	48e4169f
  Fault Module Name:	perl58.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:	45b6a113
  Exception Code:	c0000005
  Exception Offset:	00085bc9
  OS Version:	6.0.6001.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Information 1:	2647
  Additional Information 2:	866f2fd2a7a3cb986982b27699aaa19f
  Additional Information 3:	5353
  Additional Information 4:	2d62e64294f32972045cbe85851e1a35
After installing, during a Library scan.  Attach a Ray with 7.3 firmware, during the firmware upgrade SC may crash with the above error.

Ray is still processing the firmware upgrade (flashing white light)

Server log has very little data

[08-12-22 11:32:51.3773] Slim::Schema::init (153) Warning: Creating new database - empty database or database from 6.3.x found
[08-12-22 11:33:00.6272] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::initPlugin (150) Can't connect to port 10002 - MusicIP disabled.
[08-12-22 11:33:00.7891] main::checkDataSource (909) Warning: Schema updated or no tracks in the database, initiating scan.
[08-12-22 11:33:06.0208] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (140) Unable to get players: Error reading headers: Server closed connection without sending any data back at /<C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~1.EXE>Net/HTTP/Methods.pm line 306.
	...propagated at /<C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~1.EXE>Net/HTTP/NB.pm line 32.

[08-12-22 11:32:51.3773] Slim::Schema::init (153) Warning: Creating new database - empty database or database from 6.3.x found

[08-12-22 11:33:00.6272] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::initPlugin (150) Can't connect to port 10002 - MusicIP disabled.

[08-12-22 11:33:00.7891] main::checkDataSource (909) Warning: Schema updated or no tracks in the database, initiating scan.

[08-12-22 11:33:06.0208] Slim::Networking::Discovery::Players::_players_error (140) Unable to get players: Error reading headers: Server closed connection without sending any data back at /<C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~1.EXE>Net/HTTP/Methods.pm line 306.

	...propagated at /<C:\PROGRA~1\SQUEEZ~1\server\SQUEEZ~1.EXE>Net/HTTP/NB.pm line 32.
Comment 7 James Richardson 2008-12-22 13:40:54 UTC
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	scanner.exe
  Application Version:	24372.0.0.0
  Application Timestamp:	48e414be
  Fault Module Name:	StackHash_e52f
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:	00000000
  Exception Code:	c0000005
  Exception Offset:	f04b5e25
  OS Version:	6.0.6001.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Information 1:	e52f
  Additional Information 2:	e98dfca8bcf81bc1740adb135579ad53
  Additional Information 3:	860f
  Additional Information 4:	6eabdd9e0dc94904be3b39a1c0583635
Ray finishes updating, Jive goes to check on update and SqueezeCenter crashs.  Log ends with this:

[08-12-22 13:33:48.9387] Slim::Player::Squeezebox::needsUpgrade (331) receiver firmware is up-to-date, v. 56
[08-12-22 13:35:44.9741] Slim::Control::Jive::buildCaches (164) Begin function
Comment 8 James Richardson 2008-12-22 13:42:43 UTC
Steps to Reproduce:

Load 7.3.1
Start scanning a large library
Connect a 7.3 Duet
Wait for SBR to update
When SBC starts to update, crash
Comment 9 James Richardson 2008-12-22 14:22:55 UTC
Created attachment 4499 [details]
Scanner Log
Comment 10 James Richardson 2008-12-22 14:23:49 UTC
Created attachment 4500 [details]
Server Log

Player.Firmware, Jive.Firmware, Network.http, Network.cometd
Comment 11 James Richardson 2008-12-22 14:25:32 UTC
Andy: can you take a look at the logs, let me know if you see anything in there.  or if you need me to do more testing.
Comment 12 Andy Grundman 2009-01-05 12:08:49 UTC
Does this only happen on Windows?

Is it easier to reproduce by simply updating the SBC firmware while scanning?

I have no idea why that would crash the server, scanning and sending firmware are not going to interfere with each other at all.
Comment 13 James Richardson 2009-01-06 14:43:26 UTC
Using today's 7.3.2 Nightly build, I am unable to reproduce this issue.

Julius: Can you have the customer try 7.3.2 to see if this fix's the issue for them?
Comment 14 Dan Evans 2009-01-08 09:46:18 UTC
Was anything touched to address this?  Or is it simply non-reproducible now with 7.3.2?
Comment 15 Michael Herger 2009-01-08 09:58:52 UTC
afaik nothing has changed. should probably have been resolved as "worksforme".
Comment 16 Julius Dauz 2009-03-19 13:02:39 UTC
I've started to see this issue again.

I will provide more information as I get customer's that experience the issue. 

Reopening bug.
Comment 17 Julius Dauz 2009-03-26 10:13:01 UTC
Bug assigned to me for monitoring.
Comment 18 Dan Evans 2009-10-02 17:42:40 UTC
Julius-- seems we aren't seeing this much any more, if at all.  Please reopen if this issue reappears.