Bug 11733 - "More Help" copy is too long, will break screen when localized, and has a typo
: "More Help" copy is too long, will break screen when localized, and has a typo
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Setup
: unspecified
: PC Other
: -- blocker (vote)
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
Depends on:
Blocks: 11601
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Reported: 2009-04-09 09:44 UTC by Weldon Matt
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:23 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Screenshot of help text in 14 point font with worst-case translation (62.57 KB, image/png)
2009-04-14 20:26 UTC, Ben Klaas
Screenshot of help text in 14 point font with EN translation (45.65 KB, image/png)
2009-04-14 20:27 UTC, Ben Klaas

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Description Weldon Matt 2009-04-09 09:44:10 UTC
seen in r5273.

This is related to bug 11720 in that, with screens that have 1 or more selectable options + text, we need to avoid strings that, when localized, will result in overflow (at least until we have defined a template for these cases, which probably won't be ready until 7.4).

There's a bug in the current copy anyway (some sort of odd box character), and it's excessively wordy (has this text been changed recently?).

I realize this might not get localized in time for MP.  Still, we should implement better text that won't break the screen.

Title: "More Help"


"For further help and customer support, please visit www.mysqueezebox.com/support.

If contacting customer support, you may be asked for information from the "Diagnostics" screen, which can be found below."

Option: "Diagnostics"
Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2009-04-09 09:59:54 UTC
These screens need to be able to scroll.
Comment 2 Weldon Matt 2009-04-09 10:02:03 UTC
Yes, but that solution isn't happening today.
Comment 3 Weldon Matt 2009-04-09 10:02:32 UTC
Yes, but that solution isn't happening today.  And the copy needs cleaning uop anyway
Comment 4 Ben Klaas 2009-04-13 11:05:22 UTC
reviewing this, we've got a problem in that we do not have translations for the previous help text, let alone the text proposed here.

This change needs to be communicated to SLT, who as far as I know are currently translating the previous string for the Wednesday deadline.

SLT, assigning over to you. The new EN string for SUPPORT_HELP is listed here.

EN      For further help and customer support, please visit \nwww.mysqueezebox.com/support.\n\nIf contacting customer support, you may be asked for information from the "Diagnostics" screen, which can be found below.

string change is checked in, r5291
Comment 5 Michael Herger 2009-04-14 02:26:28 UTC
Please see my comment in related bug 11551: the translations we have are even longer than EN, some of them almost twice as long. We can't rely on strings being short. We need scrolling.
Comment 6 Michael Herger 2009-04-14 08:46:28 UTC
If scrolling is too hard to do, we might decrease the font size used on that particular screen to accommodate the longer texts.
Comment 7 Ben Klaas 2009-04-14 20:24:17 UTC
*** Bug 11601 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Ben Klaas 2009-04-14 20:26:22 UTC
Created attachment 5121 [details]
Screenshot of help text in 14 point font with worst-case translation

Polish is the longest of the translations for "more help". This is how it lays out in 14 point font with a line height of 16 and one menu button below it.
Comment 9 Ben Klaas 2009-04-14 20:27:10 UTC
Created attachment 5122 [details]
Screenshot of help text in 14 point font with EN translation

same screen mockup with EN text
Comment 10 Ben Klaas 2009-04-15 08:15:25 UTC
assigning to Dean for comment on moving the help text to a smaller font size so it fits on screen for all languages.
Comment 11 Ben Klaas 2009-04-15 09:48:16 UTC
mine to fix, will be done today.
Comment 12 Mickey Gee 2009-04-15 11:41:31 UTC
Tweaking to correct target.
Comment 13 Ben Klaas 2009-04-15 14:01:12 UTC
"fixed" in r5312: misc hacks to get text for Diagnostics SUPPORT_HELP to not push menu off screen
added help_text_small style with smaller font
changed padding to accomodate problematic word wrapping with RU and UTF-8
altered where newlines in RU string were so chars didn't get erroneously byte-sliced 
added a newline to EN string to make it render cleaner