Bug 11720 - Template - 1 option w/ 5+ lines of supporting text
: Template - 1 option w/ 5+ lines of supporting text
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Setup
: unspecified
: All All
: -- major (vote)
: MP
Assigned To: Weldon Matt
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Reported: 2009-04-08 10:39 UTC by ndijulio
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:31 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description ndijulio 2009-04-08 10:39:23 UTC
We need a resolution to screens where supporting text is too large to fit 1 option on screen.  Right now this only effects the welcome screen during setup, however, this scenario might appear on device later...

Couple of issues:

1. Currently menu items are not snapping to 5 item grid when supporting text pushes options down.  Need to have selectable items snap to grid if possible.

2. No solution for when supporting text (eg. localized strings) push options off screen.

-MAX should be set for length of supporting text window (i.e. 4 items tall)
-Need to introduce scroll, pagination, scaling text, or limit amount of copy that appear.
Comment 1 Weldon Matt 2009-04-08 15:08:52 UTC
Part 2 of this bug can, I think, wait until MPQ for resolution.  We already have a few proposed solutions for this; would like to meet next week and pick which one to test going forward.
Comment 2 Ben Klaas 2009-04-08 15:16:56 UTC
Matt, I don't see how #2 can wait. The welcome screen with the new verbose marketing speak is going to push the single "continue" button off screen for many languages. That seems like a complete break to me, needing an MP fix. Am I mistaken?

Noah's issue #1 might not be solvable at all, given our current template. Richard Tom and I are discussing it in campfire now.
Comment 3 Blackketter Dean 2009-04-08 17:08:38 UTC
Not a problem for MP if we don't translate that first screen.
Comment 4 Weldon Matt 2009-04-08 17:46:45 UTC
Part of what is making this frustrating for me is not really even knowing what the space constraints are...

No matter what our solution is to this, having a welcome screen that scrolls or paginates for some users is just going to be a bad experience.  However, I don't know how long of an English string I can create without causing overflow in other languages.

Is there a rough rule of thumb here (in terms of what percentage of an area I should leave empty as a sort of "localization buffer?"

As comical as it sounds, I think there needs to be more offline discussion of what this "Welcome" screen should entail, and some more discussion between Noah, Dean and myself for solving the options + text overflow issue (there have been 3-4 proposed solutions for this and I don't want to pick one at this late hour when the strategy might get changed again anyway).

Recommend that we don't translate this for now and re-target this bug for MPQ.
Comment 5 Ben Klaas 2009-04-08 18:16:08 UTC
I guess we can retarget for MPQ, but my understanding was that MP was supposed to be as close to MPQ as possible.

My opinion is that the final solution for this is potentially fairly involved. That seems like the wrong kind of bug to be pushing from MP to MPQ.

There is a simple solution, which would be to dramatically reduce the text we're pushing on that window (as we had it before), or eliminate the window entirely (which is my vote).

If Dean or Weldon want to retarget for MPQ, go for it--I won't complain further. I do think this bug poses a reasonable challenge for solving correctly given the current string requirement.
Comment 6 Weldon Matt 2009-04-08 19:01:52 UTC
It's exactly because the ultimate solution is fairly involved that I don't want to attempt to define the screen template for this case without really thinking it through.

Having said that, the point is fair for keeping MP/MPQ as close as possible.

I've played around with the copy, and while I do like the fact that the current rev is following the new "voice," it's not adding enough to the experience to make it worth all the potential hassles introduced by it (spacing issues, localization, the busyness of the copy, etc).

Let's end this little experiment for now and go with the following copy:

Title: "Welcome"

Copy: "Welcome to Squeezebox Touch.  Let's start by getting you connected to your network."

Option: "Continue"

This solves the issue for MP/MPQ.  We'll still need the original template Noah is suggesting at some point (inevitably there will be a screen like this where the copy won't fit).
Comment 7 Ben Klaas 2009-04-08 20:20:41 UTC
done, r5265
Comment 8 Michael Herger 2009-04-08 22:55:41 UTC
What about localization? This change is not part of what SLT is going to work on in urgency. Are we going to stick with the old translations?

	CS	Vítejte
	DA	Velkommen
	DE	Willkommen
	EN	Welcome
	ES	Bienvenido
	FI	Tervetuloa
	FR	Bienvenue
	IT	Benvenuto
	NL	Welkom
	NO	Velkommen
	PL	Zapraszamy
	RU	Добро пожаловать
	SV	Välkommen

	CS	Začněme vaším připojením k vaší síti.
	DA	Lad os begynde med at slutte afspilleren til netværket.
	DE	Jetzt stellen wir die Verbindung zum Netzwerk her.
	EN	Welcome to Squeezebox Touch. Let's start by getting you connected to your network.
	ES	Para empezar, nos conectaremos a la red.
	FI	Aloitetaan yhteydenmuodostamisella verkkoosi.
	FR	Commençons par vous connecter à votre réseau.
	IT	Iniziamo con il collegamento alla rete.
	NL	Ga aan de slag door verbinding te maken met je netwerk.
	NO	La oss starte med å kople deg til nettverket.
	PL	Rozpocznij od nawiązania połączenia z siecią.
	RU	Начнем с подключения к сети.
	SV	Vi börjar med att ansluta till nätverket.
Comment 9 Ben Klaas 2009-04-09 06:53:21 UTC
sorry Michael, I wasn't aware that string was being worked on in urgency by SLT.

We should go with the current translations.