Bugzilla – Bug 8627
Artwork mixup after adding/deleting content
Last modified: 2009-10-02 11:15:13 UTC
I run Squeezecenter (7.0.1) on QNAP TS-109 NAS server (v2.1.0 Build 0624) and I have a scheduled music library rescanning every night. The problem is that after adding or deleting an album from my music library and rescanning library some Album art thumbnails get mixed on a Squeezebox Duet controller. New album gets thumbnail from other old album, some albums lose their thumbnail and so forth. To solve this problem, I have to reboot the Squeezebox controller. After that Album art thumbnails are correct. I think this is not normal and should be corrected.
Please don't preset targets.
Ross if this is reproducible, assign to Ben for 7.2. Likely a problem with the cache in the Controller after tracks have moved.
I have another customer with the same problem (RN- 080903-000463) SC 7.2
I am the customer who initiated this problem with Osama (comment #3). I have encountered the problem in both Linux and Windows Vista operating systems. Basically when I add or delete an album, then clear the music library and rescan everything, the album art gets assigned to the wrong albums. I have experimented with several ripping softwares, and the bad results is always the same. It also happens when I rip mp3 or when I rip TRAC. I have also easily replicated the problem with Squeezecenter 7.1. In all cases, my Slimbox works fine because it doesn't show artwork. You can search the Bugs list and see that many users have this problem already. In fact, it has already been assigned to other guys. I hope you fix this soon. I was hoping to use Squeezecenter, but with the artwork messed up, it isn't pretty.
You can check this thread http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=340728&postcount=6 I think the problem is with how SS handles thumbnails. I think that even upon a complete rescan it doesn't really refresh the cached artwork. When you change the thumbnails size in the prefs SS is forced to cache the new size and the proper artwork shows up.
Andy, is this covered in the artwork rescan fixes going in 7.3?
No, most artwork fixes are bumped to 8.0.
Moving to the product SqueezePlay because this bug appears to apply to any player based on that application code. Feel free to move it back if it's specific to the single original product.
I haven't been able to reproduce; is anyone out there still able to reproduce? Andy would this be yours or Ben's?
Anyone still seeing this?
(In reply to comment #10) > Anyone still seeing this? I must say that since I reported this bug I have updated SC several times and I haven't had this problem for some time now.
Thanks Arturs, lets close this for now and re-open if it appears again.