Bugzilla – Bug 17394
iTunes playlist integration has disappeared.
Last modified: 2011-08-09 19:57:50 UTC
SBS 7.6.0 no longer scans iTunes playlists. http://forums.logitech.com/t5/MySqueezebox-com-Squeezebox/SBS-7-6-0-no-longer-scans-iTunes-playlists/td-p/657612 I've upgraded from 7.5.5 to 7.6.0_r32854, on a ReadyNAS Ultra4+ iTunes version My dynamic playlists (nothing special - just the usual ones, see below) have disappeared. During the scan it says 8 playlists detected & read, but none are available through the player. No obvious error messages in the scanner or server log files. Music Library Most Played Recently Added Recenty Played Top Rated On-the-go 1 Music folder : /media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/Music Playlists folder : /documents/My Documents/My Music/iTunes iTunes Music Library.xml location : /documents/My Documents/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml iTunes media folder : /media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/Music The iTunes plugin is enabled, the ignored playlists box is blank, the iTunes Playlist Format boxes are blank. These are all the same settings that I used to have before 7.6.0 - but this doesn't work any more as well as some other problems that have been mentioned by other users. I have also tried 7.6.1_r32931 & 7.6.1_r32942 - they also don't work.
Do they show up after a full wipe/rescan? I know there's an issue with simple rescans only. Just want to make sure this isn0t a dupe.
No, they don't show up after a full wipe / rescan. I've also completely wiped SBS from my NAS and manually checked to see if there are any files and started from a totally clean install. I've also rebuilt my iTunes files (.xml etc) and deleted / rebuilt the playlists - no difference. I have created SBS playlists, saved / recovered / replayed / edited - all ok - they're fine. There has been mention on one thread that iTunes might have changed playlist location / formatting, but I've not found any evidence (so far) to support this. Maybe worth checking out ? But in that case, there would then be more than 1 iTunes playlist "standard".
Also, the playlists are read according to the scanner (see below) but they're not selectable - they don't exist in the player / database. It's not that they're there & "empty", they're literally not there at all :- Scanning new playlists (1 of 1) Complete 00:00:01 **this playlist was manually created & is ok** iTunes Import (24326 of 24326) Complete 00:11:10 iTunes Playlist Import (8 of 8) Complete 00:00:10 **the number of playlists is correct, but nothing's written into the database**
could you please enable debugging (Settings/Advanced/Logging) for plugin.itunes, then trigger a new full re-scan? Once that's done, please upload server.log and scanner.log files. Thanks!
Created attachment 7367 [details] server.log Sorry about the formatting - let me know if you'd prefer something different !
Created attachment 7368 [details] scanner.log Same as before - apologies about the formatting.... Hope this helps !
Thanks for those logs. Unfortunately the scanner.log only seems to show the last 1000 lines. Most of it is missing. Can you grab the full file (not the 1000 lines link from the web UI)? The full filepath should be shown on the status page.
Created attachment 7369 [details] server log zipped
Created attachment 7370 [details] scanner log zipped
Please check your itunes media folder setting: from the log I'm seeing it's using one too many /Music in the file path. This is the file's path as found in the folder scan: file:///media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/Music/ABBA/Gold/01%20Dancing%20Queen.m4a And this is what the iTunes XML file contains: file://localhost//Nas-c0-b0-bc/media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/Music/ABBA/Gold/01%20Dancing%20Queen.m4a ...which, using the iTunes folder setting is translated into this: file:///media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/Music/Music/ABBA/Gold/01%20Dancing%20Queen.m4a As you can see there's a /Music/Music/ element, which breaks the scanner.
OK, thanks, I follow - but not completely. However, initially - many thanks for your time on this - it appears that it's not a bug after all, correct ? I'm not sure however how the extra "Music" got in there - and how it can be prevented. What's the best way of "designating" all the file paths - like this ? :- \\Nas-c0-b0-bc\media\Music\iTunes\iTunes_Music_Files
Or is this format for everything better :- //c/documents/My Documents/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml - with the double // at the beginning ? Or should I move the whole music directory from /iTunes/iTunes_Music_Library/Music to /iTunes/Music ? This additional folder (level) suddenly appeared about a week ago as all my artists were in the iTunes_Music_Library folder previously - perhaps related to the iTunes 10.4 update ? Apologies for the (perhaps) basic questions, but this worked ok before (for the last couple of years !) & I think you're going to get a lot more people using a NAS with similar problems....
Try to set the media folder to "/media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/". Please give it a try.
That worked - perfect - you're a genius ! Many thanks.... So, is this a SBS bug (I think not) or is it something that iTunes 10.4 has perhaps introduced ? Regardless, many sincere thanks, keep up the good work and by the way - a compliment - there are many bugs reported regarding the (perhaps) premature release of 7.6.0, but the change in responsiveness & scanning speed are a tremendous improvement. Well done to you & the rest of the team. Now, I'll leave you in peace so that you can concentrate on some of the more complicated problems !
Spoke too soon - now everything (tracks) appears twice in album listings, but not in the playlists. Have just double-checked. All tracks now appear twice.... :-(
Ok, but we still have narrowed it down to that folder normalization. Some background: the XML file is created on your computer, having file paths point to your NAS. On the NAS itself, the file paths are differently, eg. \\nas\music (a so called UNC path to access network shares) would become a local path like /shares/music. The Plugin needs to do this conversion based on some "intelligent" guesses.
Music Folder - /media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/Music Playlists Folder - /documents/My Documents/My Music/iTunes iTunes Music Library.xml location - /documents/My Documents/My Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml ITunes Media Folder - /media/Music/iTunes/iTunes_Music_Files/ Have set everything to the above - and the iTunes playlists are ok (still) and now I only have single tracks in every album - no duplicates any more. This was after a full wipe & rescan. I hope this information helps you in some way - please let me know if you'd like me to check anything else - and I think this bug can be closed now.... Many thanks again for your help & patience.
Are you saying this issue is resolved for you? Because I'm having a hard time reproducing your issue. It's working all as expected for me.
Correct - fixed for me now since I changed the path syntax as you suggested. I can change it back (later tonight, CET) to see if it "breaks" again - but obviously I'd prefer not to !
Thanks for the feedback! I just saw that another user was reporting the same issue for 7.5.4. Thus I must assume it's rather the iTunes 10.4 update which (temporarily?) broke things.
Perhaps the way that paths are used / expected has changed ? Unfortunately, as (perhaps) more people change to iTunes 10.4 (if the new iTunes version is indeed the root-cause of the problem) this might happen more & more often. Suggestion : propose (as a comment in SBS) the best method of using path-name syntax for remote libraries / files.
How can it be an iTunes 10.4 problem if it's working on a squeezebox server on Mac OsX and doesn't work on a Squeezebox server NAS Pro version? I used Lion Beta before 7.6 was released and never had problem with both Squeezebox version (Mac OSX and Nas Pro). i(In reply to comment #21) > Perhaps the way that paths are used / expected has changed ? > Unfortunately, as (perhaps) more people change to iTunes 10.4 (if the new > iTunes version is indeed the root-cause of the problem) this might happen more > & more often. > Suggestion : propose (as a comment in SBS) the best method of using path-name > syntax for remote libraries / files. (In reply to comment #20) > Thanks for the feedback! I just saw that another user was reporting the same > issue for 7.5.4. Thus I must assume it's rather the iTunes 10.4 update which > (temporarily?) broke things.
How can we change the path syntax?(In reply to comment #19) > Correct - fixed for me now since I changed the path syntax as you suggested. > I can change it back (later tonight, CET) to see if it "breaks" again - but > obviously I'd prefer not to !
*** Bug 17406 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
> How can we change the path syntax? Please check the setting in iTunes, and compare it to what you've set in SBS Settings/iTunes. Unfortunately all the screenshots you've sent me were scaled down, so I couldn't recognize anything. But just copy/paste those values from the input masks. Less hassle, less traffic, more information ;-)
Same settings since the beginning when I bought my first SB3. Same as my iTunes preferences. Worked with my NAS before 7.6. I sent you screen capture of my server log. I simply tried the best as I can. In reply to comment #25) > > How can we change the path syntax? > > Please check the setting in iTunes, and compare it to what you've set in SBS > Settings/iTunes. Unfortunately all the screenshots you've sent me were scaled > down, so I couldn't recognize anything. But just copy/paste those values from > the input masks. Less hassle, less traffic, more information ;-)