Bugzilla – Bug 13670
Adjustable "Autodim" settings
Last modified: 2011-01-17 09:12:56 UTC
Currently the autodim feature is to dimmed during daylight hours and when undimmed is not bright enough. I would like to ask that a settings be made to adjust the brightness levels of the autodim feature in the following ways for a better user experience. - Allow a setting to determine how dim the screen will get as well as how bright it will be when undimmed - Allow a way to change the light sensitivity of the autodim feature so during the day in moderately lit rooms it wont darken.
Current version that I am experiencing this autodim feature is; 7.4.0 r7259
Weldon: is this part of the spec? if not it should be. I have seen other (boom/SP) users request the same feature on the forums.
The current "spec" for settings menu is here: (see brightness about halfway down) http://embargo.wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Fab4_Settings#Settings_Menu_Structure the particular setting he's talking about is not in the spec, but by adjusting the auto-sensitivity you should get a similar effect.
There is no method for adjusting the auto-sensitivity (in the GUI)
(In reply to comment #4) > There is no method for adjusting the auto-sensitivity (in the GUI) If you have "auto brightness" switched on, the intention is that adjusting the brightness control will actually change the sensitivity/"relative" brightness. Switching "auto brightness" to "off" will revert back to the current standard brightness setting. In other words, design is not blocking this. It's simply a question of when an engineer gets time to build it..
moving current p2 bugs to p3 to make room for moving p1.5 bugs to p2
Administrative move of 7.5 bugs. All P2, P3, P4 being downgraded one level. Will then split P1s.
Moving lower-priority bugs to next target
Matt Weldon isn't available to us any more. Please vote for this bug to make sure it appears in our priority list!