Bug 3500 - Browse by Years reports only one album per year
: Browse by Years reports only one album per year
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 6.5b1
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2006-06-07 01:52 UTC by Philip Meyer
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:39 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Philip Meyer 2006-06-07 01:52:21 UTC
Problems when I try to use the "Browse By Years" method:

1) I see a list of all years except 2006, which is missing.

2) Navigating to any of the years returns just a single album.

3) The PWD doesn't indicate the path to the year that has been selected.  Eg. Browse to Years -> 1992 -> Dry.  The PWD reads "Years / Dry".  Navigate into that album, and the PWD reads "Years / Dry / Dry".
Comment 1 KDF 2006-06-13 15:02:42 UTC
1. SQL query seems to limit itself to one less than there is for web UI.  Full list appears in player UI

2. one album is returned, where year.id = album.id.  Year resultSet is inherited from Album, and is doing a find on album.id = #, where # is the previously selected year id.

3. probably also a result of the Album inheritence.
Comment 2 chip hart 2006-06-22 05:21:30 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
...FWIW, I get 2006 (now), but still get one (or sometimes no) album listed.  Hitting 'Play' at any point in the process BEFORE you get to the track listing results in the SB not playing anything.

Comment 3 chip hart 2006-06-22 05:36:53 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> (In reply to comment #0)
> ...FWIW, I get 2006 (now), but still get one (or sometimes no) album listed. 
> Hitting 'Play' at any point in the process BEFORE you get to the track listing
> results in the SB not playing anything.

Additional data:

I don't know if KDF's summary explains it all, so perhaps this clue will help.

From what I can tell, the one album listed under each year is the MOST RECENT album
added to the library in that year.  

Comment 4 Dan Sully 2006-06-26 14:55:35 UTC
Fixed in change 8139