Bugzilla – Bug 16269
No error reported for defective battery
Last modified: 2019-01-25 10:39:18 UTC
7.5.0 r8673 A defective Battery (open temp sensor) causes navigation to not work when on battery power. Also no battery icon is displayed. There should be some error reporting when the battery conditions are abnormal. This could be open or shorted temp sensor, cell voltages out of range or cell voltages reported on the wrong lines.
Vahid, could you take this one please.
7.5.3 Baby firmware now detects open thermistor condition and marks battery as not usable. As a result it appears that the battery is not plugged in and the Radio won't run with the battery. It will only work with AC plugged in. Invalid inter-cell voltages are still ignored, however. This bug applies to fixing the invalid inter-cell voltage issue but not the open thermistor issue. QA has seen only returned Radios that have the open thermistor problem. QA believes some returned Radios may have encountered the invalid inter-cell voltage problem, but has no data to confirm.
Adding updated info: In SqueezeboxBabyApplet.lua around line 172 there are sysOpen() commands which open communication to low level which then can be read by using sysReadNumber() commands . The second parameter is the path that should be used to retrieve information from. path: /sys/devices/platform/i2c-adapter:i2c-1/1-0010/ - params: battery_temperature, battery_voltage, battery_vmon1_voltage, battery_vmon2_voltage Right now in the SB they check for the charger_state to determine the battery condition. 1=NO Battery 2= On AC full charged 3= battery i am trying to find out what the voltage range is for battery_vmon1_voltage and battery_vmon2_voltage for a healthy battery and i need the same data for a defective battery. After which i could come up with an algorithm that decides upon these data whether a battery is healthy or defective. I could imagine that the biggest issue by doing that is to not report a healthy battery as defective.
Right now i am monitoring vmon1 and vmon2 from the LUA code.Once the the baby is no more on AC power and running on battery i have made a check if vmon1 ,vmon2 and battery voltage falls in the threshold provided.Then i display a popup saying "Charge Me" permanently. Testing Defective Battery: Right now i have single battery and i feel if i crisscross their connections will the battery will be permanently disabled? .I dont want to try this out as i have a single battery. Will send the bin files for testing.Ryan to provide feedback on the results