Bugzilla – Bug 10196
SqueezePlay won't connect to password protected server
Last modified: 2008-12-15 12:10:17 UTC
When password protection is enabled squeezeplay is unable to connect to the server, with a "Connecting to <servername>" timeout. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=365576&postcount=1
fixed as of 7.3 r3475. However, there is still some related buggy behavior related to user auth and adding server via ip address. So here are workarounds for both, and references to bugs to resolve the underlying issues. Workarounds for other related issues: 1) Asynchronous authentication ( https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10200 ) The authentication operation occurs in the background, so after selecting a server and entering user/password and selecting enter, wait a few seconds when the server list appears again, then select the server again. It should then connect. 2) Buggy menu items after adding using "Other Server" ( https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10201 ) I find that after you enter an ip address and select enter, the item may or may not appear in the list but isn't selectable. I find that if I click back and then re-enter the Choose Music Source screen, then my newly input server appears and can be selected successfully.
I never got a chance to try r3475 but I have just installed the latest nightly (in 'About' in SqueezePay it says r0). When I try to connect to my server I am now promoted for my username and password. After entering these I select my server but I get prompted for my username and password again. This time when I get to the end of the password and try to continue, nothing happens. If I go back to the beginning I can no longer even select my server - I just get the 'no entry clunk' sound. I have tried closing it down, deleting the settings from: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data and starting from scratch but I get the same thing.
Actually, I think this is related to (or is!) bug 10201. After entering my username and password because it took me back to a list of servers I thought it wanted me to reselect my server. It didn't - my going back again I was able to select a player and then I successfully connected to the server.
I think we should reopen this bug I can not use password protection with squeezeplay 3526. Symptoms is that i can connect and auth the first time and everything is just fine, after restart of SqueezePlay it is unable to connect. And it will not rectify itself even if i disable password protection in SC I have to remove "HttpAuth.lua" from .squeezeplay/userpath/settings then it works again. SqueezePlay is installed on my Ubuntu 8.04 something desktop My SqueezeCenter is the release version of 7.3 on my ClarkConnect 4.2 linux server
This is working, my bad it was related to 10313 with o correctly built jive this is ok.
This bug has been fixed in the 7.3.0 release version of SqueezeCenter! Please download the new version from http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html if you haven't already. If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.