Bugzilla – Bug 17400
AlbumInfo menu handler called with invalid album object
Last modified: 2011-08-12 09:47:25 UTC
Created attachment 7371 [details] log with backtraces when the $album object was invalid (empty) 7.6.1/r32966 I'm not sure whether the two are related: I'm seeing failure to read a file (which did scan successfully a few weeks back). When I browse that album, I'd get errors from the AlbumInfo menu handler complaining about an invalid album object. See attached log file.
Created attachment 7372 [details] track which can't be scanned
This track scans fine on OSX, but fails on my Linux box - but (thanks Last.fm!) it still did back in May: http://www.lastfm.de/user/mherger/library/music/Schtärneföifi/_/Schlusslied
The file itself seems fine to me (but only tested on OSX too), could it be a problem with your Unicode path maybe?
There are more tracks with even more odd characters scanning just fine: 01 - Badiwätter.mp3 02 - 13 Tonne Banane.mp3 03 - Zwilling.mp3 04 - Zvorderscht I De Loki.mp3 05 - Sauglatt.mp3 06 - Wunderchind.mp3 07 - De Gschniglet Igel.mp3 08 - Am Andi Sini Bandi.mp3 09 - Schlaflied.mp3 10 - Käs Bitzli Müed.mp3 11 - Lüüchtturm.mp3 12 - Tunnel Uf Auschtralie.mp3 13 - Mir Mached Fride.mp3 14 - Fruchtsalat.mp3 15 - Brülewürmli.mp3 16 - Geischterschiff.mp3 17 - Sauglatt Bio Bonsaï Remix.mp3 18 - Schlusslied.mp3
Hmm OK I'll test on Linux tomorrow.
Now that's odd... I BMFed to that folder, and the file scanned with no problem at all. Running another full rescan with the latest code.
Rescan wouldn't complain any more, but still ignores that track. BMF still working. Very odd.
The hash error has been fixed, I don't know about the scanning problem, probably needs a different bug.