Bug 2240 - Random Song Mix and Alarms not working
: Random Song Mix and Alarms not working
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Plugin
: 6.2.0
: Macintosh All
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Blackketter Dean
Depends on:
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Reported: 2005-10-03 09:44 UTC by Julius Friede
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:37 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

check special playlists first (1.31 KB, patch)
2005-10-04 10:47 UTC, KDF
Details | Diff

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Description Julius Friede 2005-10-03 09:44:53 UTC
I have tried using the Random Song Mix feature periodically for a while now and
it never works. I assign it to an Alarm, the time comes and nothing happens.
Playlists function as expected. The Random Mix plugin is loaded at startup. My
SlimServer version is:  SlimServer Version: 6.2b1 - 4508 - Mac OS X 10.4.2
(8C46) - EN - utf8. I have tried using the feature on multiple SB’s, so it
doesn’t appear to be a player issue. Is it an OS issue?

Comment 1 KDF 2005-10-03 09:51:25 UTC
This is likely due to a known bug.  Please try going into server
settings->plugins.  Look for the Random Mix Plugin settings.  Make sure you have
valid numbers for Number of upcoming songs in a random mix and Number of old
songs in a random mix.  
Comment 2 Julius Friede 2005-10-04 07:49:42 UTC
Thanks for the suggestion. I went to the settings, where the default values
where the number of upcoming songs was 10 and the number of old songs was blank.
I changed these values to 20 and 1 respectively. The random songs still did not
play (nor did songs get loaded in the current playlist) when the alarm
activation occurred. Are there any other things that I should check/attempt?
Comment 3 KDF 2005-10-04 08:58:18 UTC
thanks.  Please confirm that you are using the included random mix plugin, and that you haven't 
downloaded the third party version at any point.  if you have, please keep only Plugins/RandomPlay/
Plugin.pm and delete Plugins/Random.pm.  I'm also assuming that you are referring to the built-in 
alarm function.  I'll try to replicate.  d_plugins and maybe d_command logs may help
Comment 4 KDF 2005-10-04 10:47:38 UTC
Created attachment 888 [details]
check special playlists first

check for special playlists first, since they would still pass as a defined
playlist, using the wrong load command.

This now plays the random mixes on alarm event in my test.
Comment 5 Julius Friede 2005-10-04 23:03:17 UTC
I will enable the d_plugins and d_command logs for greater feedback, buy I’m
afraid I don’t understand what you mean by “special playlists“? I’m thinking
that maybe I’m approaching/understanding this feature incorrectly. I was under
the impression that the Random mix plugin would play random tracks from my
library. Does a playlist need to be loaded into SlimServer first and then these
tracks will be randomly played?

Comment 6 KDF 2005-10-04 23:11:06 UTC
I'm speaking of the way that the alarm refers to the random mix options.  The alarm event loads a 
playlist, but for the special case of random mix, it plays random tracks.  referring to is as a special 
playlist is the way the alarm checks for this case.  I expect to have a fix committed soon for the nightly 
build of Oct 5 (due in about 2 hours)
Comment 7 KDF 2005-10-04 23:24:02 UTC
fixed in trunk at change 4549 for Oct 5 build.  please re-open if there are
remaining issues.
Comment 8 Chris Owens 2006-06-16 14:41:32 UTC
There are 536 bugs in the database with targets of '---' that were fixed prior to new year 2006.  I am setting them to targets of 6.2.1 to keep them from showing up in my queries.