Bugzilla – Bug 14467
Podcast confusion: mysb.com vs. SBS
Last modified: 2013-04-29 19:05:36 UTC
On the SP based interfaces and the player UI I get the Podcasts served from MySB.com. On the SBS web UI I only see the local Podcast plugin's feeds. We should use the same in all places, or at least sync the podcast list.
The SBS local Podcast plugin is only linked from the SBS web page. None of the player UIs (neither ip3k nor SP based) list it. This is confusing. Though removing the plugin from SBS means you'll need a mysb account even for the ip3k based players I'd vote for it. Otherwise it's just too broken and confusing.
Great summary of this issue and why we should fix this asap: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=69022
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Michael statement that the local Podcasts are not visible through the ip3k players is incorrect. "Extras->Podcasts" is still visible and usable on my Booms. I'd strongly argue for keeping the SBS podcast management and playback. I don't want to have to remember my MySB password every time I want to add a podcast. Also, the EU SN servers have often been unreachable for several hours at a time in the past. It seems a bit silly that you wouldn't be able to list to podcasts locally just because SN/MySB was down. Also in some cases due to ISP routing screw ups people end up not being able to access SN when they can still reach most of the rest of the Internet. So again it seems harsh to prevent access to podcasts just because the user can't reach SN/MySB.
If someone has a server a home, this should be the only access point. Data like favourites, podcasts and alike could be synced to mysqueezebox.com, but managed on the server. So the situation as it is today that on the controller podcasts are only from mysqueezebox.com visible - is hopefully a bug. Christian
Podcast Player shows up in a few different places. 1. On the player ui under MyApps and Home Menu 2. On the SBS Web Control under extras I have a customer that states that this needs to be corrected. Is related to this bug or should I file a different bug?
*** Bug 15399 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Bump. While we're waiting for a fix on this, is there any workaround to get the podcast lists sync'd between the server and mysqueezebox.com? I have a lot and don't want to copy and paste them all. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=503247#post503247
Andy - I think the fix for this would be as simple as this: Index: lib/SDI/Util/Services.pm =================================================================== --- lib/SDI/Util/Services.pm (revision 7845) +++ lib/SDI/Util/Services.pm (working copy) @@ -515,7 +515,6 @@ Podcasts => { type => 'opml', title => 'PODCAST_PLAYER', - plugin => 'Slim::Plugin::Podcast::Plugin', countries => '+All', settingsPage => '/settings/podcasts', appPage => '/apps/Podcasts', That's all needed to make the podcast app show up in all UIs, as it's _not_ based on that plugin any more.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7846 to the network repo by michael == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/network?view=revision&revision=7846 == Bug: 14467 Description: enable Podcast App in the web UI - it's no longer based on the local Podcast plugin
What does that mean? If I have a local server only do I need mysqueezebox.com or a connection to mysqueezebox.com to use podcasts? I hope not, only sync from server to mysqueezebox.com is automatic.
No, this change make sure we have the Podcast app on all interfaces (it was missing from the SBS web UI). The old plugin is still there for those who are happy with it. But in the long therm I'd vote we either disable it by default (which won't hurt you), or enable podcast list syncing (which isn't a trivial change).
Somebody please enlighten me: how can I access the SBS local podcasts at all?!? I can't find any Extras menu.
Now Podcasts are in the main menu (deactivated by default I think).
Michael to disable by default for 7.5
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #29768 to the slim repo by michael == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=29768 == Bug: 14467 Description: disable the SBS local Podcast plugin by default. It's obsolete. New installations won't see it any more unless enabled manually.
The confusion issue should be "fixed" for new users.
Hello, is this really fixed? With Version: 7.5.0 - r29952 @ Fri Jan 29 01:04:50 PST 2010 local Plug-In is still active and still confusing where to add podcasts. If I run a local server I have to add new Podcasts online at (test.)mysqueezebox.com?? Christian
With old players like Squeezebox Classic or Transporter I can only use the old podcast plugin where podcasts are local on the server. With the controller I have only the podcasts on (test.)mysqueezebox.com. Am I wrong?! Christian
This bug has been marked fixed in a released version of Squeezebox Server or the accompanying firmware or mysqueezebox.com release. If you are still seeing this issue, please let us know!
*** Bug 16249 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 15851 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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