Bug 8082 - SliMP3 display problem when center element defined
: SliMP3 display problem when center element defined
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Display
: 7.0
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: 7.x
Assigned To: Michael Herger
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Reported: 2008-05-07 02:34 UTC by Michael Herger
Modified: 2009-07-31 10:20 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Michael Herger 2008-05-07 02:34:07 UTC
When the display element hash is returning an array for center, then the line elements don't show any more.

Easily reproduceable with MusicInfoSCR :-)
Comment 1 Adrian Smith 2008-05-07 11:38:22 UTC
Yes this is a limitation of the render routine in S:D:Text

Is this a real problem as it needs more work to support lines as well.  I think I made it center + overlay to support the alarm symbol but prior to that I'm not sure it supported anything other than center on its own?

Probably not too hard to include lines too but it won't scroll
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2008-05-07 14:35:56 UTC
I doubt this is a serious issue. It's a MusicInfoSCR user who reported this, as MIS returned ['', '', ''] instead of [undef, undef, undef] for center. Thus the lines didn't show, only overlays.

If it's an easy fix this would be great. Otherwise I'll add a note (or workaround) to the plugin's "documentation".
Comment 3 Adrian Smith 2008-05-07 14:45:03 UTC
I looked at it again and the fix is not trivial, but is possible.  I suggest we document it as a limitation for the moment..
Comment 4 Michael Herger 2008-05-27 08:33:47 UTC
Where should this documentation go?
Comment 5 Adrian Smith 2008-05-31 07:14:49 UTC
Turns out it is already documented!!!

"<p><b>Text Displays (Slimp3/Squeezebox):</b></p>

<p>In two line mode overlays are displayed.  If center exists for a
line then this takes precedence over line such that only the
centered text and overlay are displayed.</p>"

Display documentation is in server/HTML/EN/html/docs/display.html and appears under the technical information section of the help menu.
Comment 6 Michael Herger 2008-05-31 22:23:05 UTC
> Turns out it is already documented!!!

Wow... thanks! It's a bug in MIS then :-)
Comment 7 Chris Owens 2009-07-31 10:20:45 UTC
Reduce number of active targets for SC