Bugzilla – Bug 6459
Ogg Vorbis Tag VERSION is not supported
Last modified: 2011-11-06 23:23:14 UTC
The current tagging in SqueeCenter 7.0 /Slimserver 6.x as well) dosen't support the Ogg Vorbis tag "VERSION" (see link below) http://www.xiph.org/vorbis/doc/v-comment.html
Will look at this post-7.0.
Dean, any news? I have a lot of VERSION tags in my files and filtering without it is very bad :)
What would SqueezeCenter do with the VERSION information if it did recognize it? Just something to search against?
The OGG VERSIOn tag is a second track titel like TT3 from ID3v2.2 and ist most often used for more infromation about the title like "... original version yyy" or "Remix". So it should be visible, brausable and searchable like the other existing tags in SC. Thanks
Any news here? Thanks!
What would VERSION map to that we currently store in the database?
Having attempted to use the version tag in the past, here's what I think the request is: A track contains both a TITLE and a VERSION tag. The request is for software to read this and derive what I'll call a DISPLAY_TITLE tag from them, i.e. TITLE [VERSION] I found this unworkable for most purposes in my collection. Nearly all software treats TITLE as the DISPLAY_TITLE, and even if SqueezeCenter behaved differently, it would be the only piece of software that did. So instead, here's how I solved the problem: I created a separate custom tag for the "short" title, used the VERSION tag as designed, and then used my tagging software to combine the short title and VERSION tag into a TITLE tag in whatever format I liked. Now SqueezeCenter (and everything else) displays the combined tag just the way I like it, and I can search on the custom tag if I need to. Hope that helps.
OK, so your suggested behavior is to make TITLE = "TITLE [VERSION]" when there is a VERSION tag?
No, my suggested behavior, based on my interpretation of this bug and my own experience with the VERSION tag, is that the user retag their files to work with SC's existing behavior and that this bug gets marked INVALID. Can't say for sure if this is acceptable until the original reporter comments.
Oh, for some reason I thought you were the original requester, my mistake. I tend to agree with you.
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.