Bugzilla – Bug 11515
Need a quicker way to trigger factory test on the line
Last modified: 2009-09-08 11:13:21 UTC
A method initiated by ethernet that would put the device into "Factory Test" mode - enabling SSH - enabling a boot lua from a /tmp/FT/squeezeplay or similar mechanism. This would be VERY useful for Fab4 and REQUIRED for BabyBoom.
David: Let's not mess with this for Fab4 at this late date. For Baby, I'd prefer not to have this triggered via the network, it's a security hole. Would it be acceptable to hold a button while powering up, like we do on Classic and Boom?
David: Is this still needed? For what build?
Richard wants to know if we really need this?
Tested in MP2 release DVD. Press "hidden center button" enters Passthru screen.