Bug 3725 - CLI "play" command doesn't clear screen
: CLI "play" command doesn't clear screen
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: CLI
: 6.5b1
: PC Linux (other)
: P2 minor (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Owens
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Reported: 2006-07-10 12:16 UTC by Aaron Solochek
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:12 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Aaron Solochek 2006-07-10 12:16:21 UTC
I am using the contributed weather/time screensaver for "not playing" and the analog meter screensaver for playing, with no delay.  

A program I'm working on that interfaces to the slimserver via the CLI was previously using the "button play" commands to cause the player to play, but I recently changed it to use "play."  After doing so I noticed that the display on the SB3 would be the analog meters overlayed on the time/weather display.  If I press the "now playing" button to see the track info, the display is cleared and it returns the meters correctly.
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2006-07-10 14:44:48 UTC
Fred - I'm not sure if this is a CLI fix or not..
Comment 2 Fred 2006-07-11 01:10:28 UTC
I guess going through button does display updates that going through play do not. Will have a look.

That said, maybe there is also an interlock missing somewhere as 2 screensavers should not be allowed to display simultaneously. 
Comment 3 Adrian Smith 2006-07-13 13:16:41 UTC
Probably a display problem - Fred can you recreate this - are you calling showBriefly with block set?
Comment 4 Fred 2006-07-13 16:35:35 UTC
Can't reproduce with AnalogVU/RSS with Softwqueeze or a SB2. In both cases, setting delay to 0 in screensavers seem to disable both. With 1 second, both behave correctly from the web ui or CLI.
Tried the Weather/Date plugin as well. Same behaviour.
If anything, the 0 setting in delay seems to cause more problems (got some strange issues when changing it to test) than cli vs remote control. How can 0 be a valid value?
Comment 5 Adrian Smith 2006-07-14 10:12:25 UTC
Looking at the code, a timeout of 0 essentially means no screensaver for anything but off mode.  Hence I'm not certain you would ever get into the screensaver mode?  Can you confirm it is actually set to 0.
Comment 6 Aaron Solochek 2006-07-15 16:06:49 UTC
I just checked and the screensaver is set to 5.  Sorry about that.  
Comment 7 Dan Sully 2006-07-15 21:32:36 UTC
So.. is this a bug still?
Comment 8 Aaron Solochek 2006-07-15 21:53:45 UTC
Well, it's still a bug for me.  I can easily reproduce it (and have many, many times this evening as I was working on my control program).  I guess the timeout doesn't affect this bug because it only shows up after the screensaver is already active.  It's not a bug transitioning from no screen saver to screen saver, it's a bug with the transition from stopped screen saver to playing screen saver.  

I just checked, and the overlay does not occur with the Date and Time screensaver, just with the Weather, Date, and Time screensaver.  Does a screensaver need to clear itself off the screen when it is deactivated?  Or maybe the bug is that the Weather, Date, and Time screensaver isn't actually shutting off, and it refreshing itself along side the Analog VU display.  
Comment 9 Dan Sully 2006-08-21 19:25:40 UTC
Aaron - has the new display code changed this bug any?
Comment 10 Aaron Solochek 2006-09-06 04:06:42 UTC
What new display code are you talking about?  I upgraded to slimserver 7.0a1 and the weather,date,time plugin doesn't seem to work:

2006-09-06 05:56:18.5841 Couldn't push into new mode: [SCREENSAVER.weathertime] !: Can't locate object method "bytesPerColumn" via package "Slim::Player::Squeezebox2" at /usr/share/slimserver/Plugins/WeatherTime/Plugin.pm line 2207.

Additionally, my interface seems to have broken, so I'll have to find time to fix that before I'll know if the display problem is fixed.
Comment 11 Adrian Smith 2006-09-06 10:34:53 UTC
The server display code has changed in 6.5 and 7.0.  The new display api is documented in the docs/display.html, and there is a chance you may need to change your plugin, especially if you call internal display functions as the weathertime plugin does.  I believe there is a thread on the forums about updating this plugin for 6.5.

As part of the change, some of the showBriefly logic has changed, so Dan's question is really - do you see the same issue with 6.5?  It would also be good to know if you see this issue with softsqueeze and/or a real player, as there are some areas where softsqueeze does not align with a hardware player.
Comment 12 Dan Sully 2006-10-04 17:52:58 UTC
Comment 13 Aaron Solochek 2006-10-04 18:11:48 UTC
Sorry, I've been distracted.

WeatherTime wasn't working at all with 7.0 so I reverted to 6.5 (SlimServer Version: 6.5.0 - 9916 - Debian).

A couple of days ago when my transporter arrived (totally awesome) I was playing around with some of the display settings and at one point had text overlaying the analog meters on the right display.  Is there some sort of screen resource locking that perhaps the analog meters display is not using?  

Now that I've downgraded, I'll give my CLI code another shot to see if I can still replicate the bug.  I'll also try to figure out the config that caused the similar bug on the transporter.
Comment 14 Fred 2007-04-25 15:27:12 UTC
Is this is still a problem?
Comment 15 Michael Herger 2007-12-10 06:24:49 UTC
Consider this fixed. Feel free to re-open if needed.
Comment 16 Chris Owens 2008-03-07 09:03:45 UTC
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released!  Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html

If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.