Bug 17293 - Fast navigation in artist/album browsing no longer possible
: Fast navigation in artist/album browsing no longer possible
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Player UI
: 7.6.0
: All All
: -- normal with 1 vote (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2011-06-20 09:53 UTC by jshubertus
Modified: 2011-06-29 10:43 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description jshubertus 2011-06-20 09:53:54 UTC
I am running the squeezebox server version 7.6 with the SB classic firmware 136.

I have noticed that it is no longer to move quickly in the artists/albums browse lists by pressing the numeric buttons on the remote control. In previous versions it was possible to press, e.g. the numeric button 5 twice and arrive at the first artist with a name starting with K or the first album with a name starting with K. This no longer works. Trying to use this quick navigation now will bring seemingly inconsisent results.

I expect this has to do with the onebrowser implementation. I hope this is not one of the functionalities that will be removed as mentioned in the 7.6 change log (http://svn.slimdevices.com/repos/slim/7.6/trunk/server/Changelog7.html).
Comment 1 Jim McAtee 2011-06-20 14:42:18 UTC
I've just tried this on both a Transporter and an SB2. It tries to do something, but it's very buggy. It usually does jump to artists or albums with the desired starting letter, but that artist or album is often (or possibly always) NOT the one that's first within that letter. Also, I see some letters are skipped completely.

As an example, browsing artists, if I press the WXYZ key, I get

- Widespread Panic, which should be 'Rufus Wainwright'
- ZZ Top, which should be 'Frank Zappa'

It never pulls up anything for Y, which should be 'Yes'. I also see it sometimes pulling up 'Johnny A.', which is the first artist under 'A'. It does this for all buttons.

It works correctly on the Touch (SqueezePlay).
Comment 2 Jim McAtee 2011-06-28 12:56:15 UTC
To the original bug reporter - please change the following, or this bug may not be addressed for 7.6:

Product: SB Server
Component: Player UI
Version: 7.6.0
Platform: All
Comment 3 SVN Bot 2011-06-28 14:44:50 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #32566 to the slim repo by adrian ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=32566 ==

Bug: 17293
Description: if textkey exists use these for numberscroll in button mode interface as the list has already been sorted in this order and using the name/values of the list results in inconsitent numberscroll skipping
Comment 4 Jim McAtee 2011-06-28 15:31:58 UTC
This is fixed. Thanks!