Bugzilla – Bug 2050
Browse Songs navigation link
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:36:01 UTC
The following text has been split out of bug report 2016: Browsing down to "All Songs" changes the browse link path to "/Browse Songs", but there isn't such a browse method in the Fishbone skin drop-down list. eg. if I start with "Browse Artists" and select All Albums, it takes me to "Browse Albums", and selecting All Songs takes me to "Browse Songs". Perhaps this should really be "/ Browse Artists / All Albums / All Songs /", so it is easy to navigate back? Perhaps there should be a "Browse Songs" selection method? I noticed this due to a small music library due to bug 2016. With a large music collection I am unlikely to ever want to click "All Songs" from the top of "Browse Artists" list!
the pwd list is generated server side based on heirarchy.
Is this actually a bug?
Selecting "Browse Artists" and then selecting "All Albums" changes the PWD "Browse Albums", but the selected browse method is still displayed as "Browse Artists". That may be confusing for some. Then selecting "All Songs" changes the PWD to "Browse Songs", but there isn't a browse songs selection method. I'd say that the Previous Working Directory browse history link line should really display where the user has come from, so they can navigate back. The Browse Songs list doesn't seem to be sorted.
what exactly am I supposed to do with this? I have no intention of reworking the heirarchy framework.
hrm...ok, taking issues one by one: pulldown list is stored in a cookie, so that the last selected option is the one that you get when you click 'home'. Thus, it is by design that the item shown in the pulldown does not change based on what is clicked below. Only changing the pulldown should affect the pulldown (to my mind). the 'all' links jump to new heirarchies, so that is the part I have no desire to tackle. Its a big task to rework that. sorting should be by title, unless in an album context (where it is by track number). This reflects what I'm seeing, so if this is not the case then more specific info is needed as to which links are clicked in order to get to an incorrect listing.
I'm not saying that when selecting "Browse Artists" and then clicking "all albums" should change the pulldown mode to "Browse Albums", or that the heirarchy should be changed. I was merely suggesting that the PWD should reflect the path that the user has gone down, so he can use it to go back. So from "Browse Artists", selecting "All albums" would display a PWD of "/Browse Artists/All Albums". Otherwise there isn't an easy way of getting back to the "Browse Artists" list, as the pulldown is already "Browse Artists". However, I see what you mean by being closely connected to the heirarchy now, in that if I am browsing anything and click on a link to an artist or album, the PWD displays the short-path used to get to that point, not the path for what the user clicked to get there. I guess it is best to leave it as it is, but not call the link line "PWD" - in discussion, I thought it was meant to be a previous history of the users browsing, but really it is only a short-path heirarchy to get to the current display, regardless of current browse mode.
Regarding Browse Songs, I think the issue was that the first album displayed had all song titles exactly the same (eg. a whole album where there are no titles, so I have used "-" to signify no title). The tracks were then displayed in descending order.