Bug 15230 - unable to play Apple Lossless files
: unable to play Apple Lossless files
Status: CLOSED DUPLICATE of bug 6028
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: 7.4.x
: Macintosh MacOS X 10.6
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Spies Steven
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-12-01 17:16 UTC by Guy Russell
Modified: 2012-02-27 17:33 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Guy Russell 2009-12-01 17:16:20 UTC
I have some Apple Lossless music files in 24/96 format. They will not play with my current setup ( Duet ) They play fine when I convert them to flac files.
Comment 1 Spies Steven 2009-12-02 08:16:20 UTC
The alac decoder that is currently included does not support 24 bit files.  The decoder has recently been updated to support 24 bit and hopefully will be included with future versions of the server.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 6028 ***
Comment 2 James Richardson 2012-02-27 17:33:10 UTC
Closing resolved bugs - if you feel this bug still exists please first re-test
with the latest SW/FW version.  If you are able to reproduce then feel free to
reopen and attach new logs / steps to reproduce.