Bugzilla – Bug 1465
worldclock.pm fails to compile when using slim.exe but not using activestate
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:15:13 UTC
customer reported. fails on compilation at line 51 which is: use Time::localtime; is something missing from the compiled slim.exe?
many CPAN modules are not included, linke Time::localtime. Plugins can sometimes require modules that are not included with slimserver, such as Net::POP3 etc. Users have to install them manually unless they have the modules as part of their perl environment (activestate probably includes this module in their install). Plugin authors may also include these modules as part of their plugin package. eg. rename Worldclock.pm to WorldClock/Plugin.pm, and add localtime.pm to WorldClock/localtime.pm.. or the user can copy Time/localtime.pm from their active state install, and copy it to Plugins/Time/localtime.pm (i believe that should work). not really a bug.
I just stumbled over this problem. What can I do to make it easier for people to run WorldClock? Is it sufficiant to provide the localtime.pm I have on my SuSE system for people to copy to Plugins/Time/localtime.pm? Would that work for people on different platforms?
Felix: including localtime would be the safest thing to do. Alternatively we could force localtime to be included with the slim.exe distribution. Dan?
Dan, what do you think?
We can include Time::localtime - or Felix can change his code to use the built in localtime(), which Time::localtime is simply a wrapper around.
Added modules in subversion change 4133