Bug 16444 - Artist / album queries consistently fail from SB & Touch
: Artist / album queries consistently fail from SB & Touch
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: 7.6.0
: Other Linux (other)
: -- critical (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
Depends on:
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2010-08-09 00:09 UTC by Marcus
Modified: 2011-05-12 13:49 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Server logfile (1.02 MB, text/x-log)
2010-08-09 00:09 UTC, Marcus

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Marcus 2010-08-09 00:09:08 UTC
Created attachment 6929 [details]
Server logfile

Dear all,

whenever I try selecting artists or albums via Menu of Duet or Touch, system
indicates it is doing something without ever returning results. This is not the
case when working with the Web Front-End.

There is no error reported in the logs, instead the following is typcial:
[10-08-09 08:45:22.0693] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.name,
me.value FROM metainformation me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'lastRescanTime'
[10-08-09 08:45:22.2176] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.name,
me.value FROM metainformation me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'lastRescanTime'
[10-08-09 08:45:24.9187] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:45:24.9177]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:45:25.1202] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:45:29.9724] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:45:29.9715]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:45:30.2405] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:45:35.0263] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:45:35.0252]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:45:35.3513] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:45:37.0913] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.name,
me.value FROM metainformation me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'lastRescanTime'
[10-08-09 08:45:40.0789] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:45:40.0779]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:45:40.4652] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:45:45.1316] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:45:45.1306]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:45:45.5786] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:45:50.1843] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:45:50.1833]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:45:50.6932] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:45:55.2380] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:45:55.2369]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:45:55.8078] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:46:00.2894] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:46:00.2883]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:46:00.9220] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:46:05.3419] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:46:05.3409]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:46:06.0356] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:46:07.1468] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.name,
me.value FROM metainformation me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'lastRescanTime'
[10-08-09 08:46:10.3948] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:46:10.3938]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:46:11.1487] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:46:15.4476] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:46:15.4466]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:46:16.2632] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:46:20.5002] Slim::Utils::Misc::msg (1179) Warning: [08:46:20.4991]
Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at
line 5474.
[10-08-09 08:46:21.3761] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.id,
me.type, me.name, me.active, me.total, me.done, me.start, me.finish, me.info
FROM progress me WHERE ( type = ? ) ORDER BY start,id: 'importer'
[10-08-09 08:46:22.0788] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.name,
me.value FROM metainformation me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'lastRescanTime'
[10-08-09 08:46:22.2264] Slim::Schema::Debug::query_start (23) SELECT me.name,
me.value FROM metainformation me WHERE ( name = ? ): 'lastRescanTime'

the "Use of uninitialized value $map in hash element at " entry occurs
massively in my logs, one of those I attach.

SqueezeServer is running on a QNAP TS-439 Pro (using SSODS/SSOTS 4.9.1) with
the device's SQL server enabled and SS running against this (not an own
instance!). Overall performance is really good...

Version: 7.6.0 - r31181 @ Sun Aug 8 03:04:26 MDT 2010
Hostname: isengard
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9001
Operating system: Linux - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.0 - i686-linux-thread-multi
Database Version: MySQL 5.1.36-log
Total Players Recognized: 2

Library Statistics
Total Tracks: 36,124
Total Albums: 3,255
Total Artists: 1,381
Total Genres: 164
Total Playing Time: 2855:24:41

Player Information
Information on all identified devices connected to Squeezebox Server

Touch Keller
Player Model: Squeezebox Touch
Firmware: 7.6.0-r9027
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:22:25:be

Player Model: Squeezebox Receiver
Firmware: 65
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:16:da:4d
Comment 1 Marcus 2010-08-25 23:59:02 UTC
When encountering this failure on Controller, it looks as if there is a sporadic loss in connection, Network indicator changes to blue, connecting to "Our songs" (name of my collection) appears, disappears and the progress indicator keeps on spinning till eternity...
Comment 2 Alan Young 2011-01-24 00:36:58 UTC
This is very likely to be related to a database optimization problem that was recently fixed.

Do you still see this issue?
Comment 3 Marcus 2011-01-24 01:14:03 UTC

I quit using 7.6, as there was too much issues with the DB and scanning, currently using 7.5.2...
Comment 4 Bradley D. Wall 2011-05-12 13:49:49 UTC
Unable to reproduce on 7.6.0, build 32398.