Bug 17982 - Songs fails import after normalize runs twice
: Songs fails import after normalize runs twice
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: iTunes
: 7.7.2
: PC Debian Linux
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2012-06-19 22:50 UTC by weevab
Modified: 2012-06-19 22:50 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description weevab 2012-06-19 22:50:10 UTC
Some files are not being found.  Looking at the scan log, it shows the normalisation is run once successfully, and then run again but keeps the original path, which results in the file not being found:
[12-06-20 12:36:28.9447] Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Common::normalize_location (366) Normalized file://localhost/C:/Music/JET/Get%20Born/02%20Are%20You%20Gonna%20Be%20My%20Girl.mp3 to file:///music/JET/Get%20Born/02%20Are%20You%20Gonna%20Be%20My%20Girl.mp3
[12-06-20 12:36:28.9494] Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Common::normalize_location (366) Normalized file://localhost/C:/Music/JET/Get%20Born/02%20Are%20You%20Gonna%20Be%20My%20Girl.mp3 to file:///C:/Music/JET/Get%20Born/02%20Are%20You%20Gonna%20Be%20My%20Girl.mp3
[12-06-20 12:36:28.9548] Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Importer::handleTrack (322) File not found: "/C:/Music/JET/Get Born/02 Are You Gonna Be My Girl.mp3"

This doesn't happen consistently, most of the songs/albums are loaded.  An xample of two songs in one album being treated differently:
[12-06-20 12:36:38.5057] Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Common::normalize_location (366) Normalized file://localhost/C:/Music/Weezer/Weezer/01%20My%20Name%20Is%20Jonas.MP3 to file:///music/Weezer/Weezer/01%20My%20Name%20Is%20Jonas.MP3
[12-06-20 12:36:38.5226] Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Common::normalize_location (366) Normalized file://localhost/C:/Music/Weezer/Weezer/04%20Buddy%20Holly.mp3 to file:///music/Weezer/Weezer/04%20Buddy%20Holly.mp3
[12-06-20 12:36:38.5279] Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Common::normalize_location (366) Normalized file://localhost/C:/Music/Weezer/Weezer/04%20Buddy%20Holly.mp3 to file:///C:/Music/Weezer/Weezer/04%20Buddy%20Holly.mp3
[12-06-20 12:36:38.5328] Slim::Plugin::iTunes::Importer::handleTrack (322) File not found: "/C:/Music/Weezer/Weezer/04 Buddy Holly.mp3"

Other server info:
Logitech Media Server Version: 7.7.2 - r33893 @ Wed Mar 14 05:46:46 PDT 2012
Hostname: tooves
HTTP Port: 9000
OS: Debian - EN - utf8
Platform: armv5tel-linux
Perl Version: 5.10.1 - arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.34_01 (sqlite
Total Players Recognized: 2