Bug 4277 - cannot connect to any internet radio(shoutcast,live365 ,slim devices picks,etc.) i keep getting message "failed to parse,not well formed.
: cannot connect to any internet radio(shoutcast,live365 ,slim devices picks,et...
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 4250
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Streaming To SlimServer
: 6.5b3
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Owens
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-10-02 13:40 UTC by yann oehl
Modified: 2006-10-10 19:04 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description yann oehl 2006-10-02 13:40:58 UTC
It affects both internet radio and podcasts.

The error mentions a not well formed (invalid token) at line 1 column 6... of /perl/... parser.pm

My slimserver is also now failing to connect to all internet radio streams. Here's the debug log for an attempt to connect to radioio acoustic:

2006-10-01 11:51:24.7398 This player supports direct streaming for http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120/ as http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120/, let's do it.
2006-10-01 11:51:24.7848 setting up direct stream (1159501899:8120) autostart: 2.
2006-10-01 11:51:24.7857 request string: GET / HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
User-Agent: iTunes/4.7.1 (Linux; N; Linux; i686-linux; EN; utf8) SlimServer/6.5b1/8702
Icy-MetaData: 1
Connection: close
Host: radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120

2006-10-01 11:51:24.9178 Merging entry for http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120/ readTags is: [0]
2006-10-01 11:51:24.9198 Updating http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120/ : year to 0
2006-10-01 11:51:24.9209 Updating http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120/ : remote to 1
2006-10-01 11:51:24.9216 Updating http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120/ : rating to 0
2006-10-01 11:51:24.9232 -- Track is a remote track
2006-10-01 11:51:24.9243 -- Track has 0 contributor(s)
2006-10-01 11:51:25.0927 Merging entry for

....many more entries like this one....

2006-10-01 11:51:34.8040 -- Track is a remote track
2006-10-01 11:51:34.8045 -- Track has 0 contributor(s)
2006-10-01 11:51:34.8223 Oh, well failed to do a direct stream for: http://radioio.sc.llnwd.net:8120/
Comment 1 KDF 2006-10-02 15:08:20 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 4250 ***