Bug 15761 - Need info that pw is to short
: Need info that pw is to short
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web UI
: unspecified
: PC Windows XP
: P3 normal (vote)
: 7.5.0
Assigned To: Michael Herger
Depends on:
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Reported: 2010-02-23 11:34 UTC by Blair
Modified: 2010-04-08 17:26 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Blair 2010-02-23 11:34:23 UTC
When creating a MSB.com account the webUI does not give feedback as to the password rule nor does it give feedback when you try to create a password that does not meet the pw rules. This should be added.
Comment 1 SVN Bot 2010-02-24 03:32:14 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #8030 to the  repo by mherger ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/?view=revision&revision=8030 ==

Fixed Bug: 15761
Description: show correct error message when password is too short
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2010-04-08 17:26:32 UTC
This bug has been marked fixed in a released version of Squeezebox Server or the accompanying firmware or mysqueezebox.com release.

If you are still seeing this issue, please let us know!