Bug 11231 - music library presentation is (still) inaccurate and confusing
: music library presentation is (still) inaccurate and confusing
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: unspecified
: PC Linux (other)
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2009-03-02 04:12 UTC by Paul Davis
Modified: 2009-03-23 09:39 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Paul Davis 2009-03-02 04:12:57 UTC
(I filed a related bug to this one but I believe it has been closed and I can no longer find it in the bugs DB)

Accepting that I have some mistagged ogg/vorbis and maybe even a few mistagged mp3 files in my library, I am still forced to reflect on the contrast between the job that Rhythmbox and SqueezeCenter do when it comes to presenting my 10k+ tracks as a music library. Both are working with the same set of files. Rhythmbox gets everything (as far as I can tell) correct; SqueezeCenter misplaces artists into "Various Artists" (where they continue to be listed by their own name, creating a curious zone when browsing alphabetically - ... S, T, U, V .. eh? A, B, C, D .... Z ... eh? W, X ...), and contains many, many duplicates at both the album and track level. 

I do know from my previous bug report that some of this is caused by mistagging (e.g. compilation CD's in particular), but it just seems odd that Rhythmbox could end up making complete sense with the same data, and SC ends up losing artists (as documented in the previous bug report, where "Steve Roach", my most prolific artist, vanishes into the "Various Artists" section) and more.

Can I do anything to help with a diagnosis of why the SC view of my music library is so different and so disorganized compared to Rhythmbox? These observations apply to all releases of SC from 7.0.1 through a recent nightly of 7.3.3.
Comment 1 Paul Davis 2009-03-18 19:03:03 UTC
Having seen that this has been "tagged" "bug_meeting", let me just note that having played with some new options in 7.3.1/7.3.3 seems to have greatly improved the situation in some specific respects.

The confusing handling of "Various Artists", whereby they all show up under "V" is still there. But Squeezecenter is no longer losing artists like Steve Roach, who is mis-tagged once with a TLE2 field of Various Artists. Duplicates continue to be an issue.
Comment 2 Paul Davis 2009-03-18 19:07:29 UTC
Sorry, I'm forgetting my own bug-reporting requirements. The options I changed are under "Music Library". I now have the following settings:

[ x ] List compilation albums under each artist
[ x ] List albums by all artists for that album
[ x ] Treat TPE2 MP3 tag as Band

I also tried to use the name "Compilations" instead of "Various Artists", but this appears to have had no effect even after several restarts of Squeezecenter.
Comment 3 Chris Owens 2009-03-23 09:28:19 UTC
We're discussing this in the bug meeting right now.  We'll make note of this feedback and try to continue improving the software.  However, since there's not a specific bug here, I'm going to go ahead and mark this resolved.
Comment 4 Paul Davis 2009-03-23 09:39:28 UTC
Do you want me to file specific bugs for each and every misfile that I come across?