Bug 1772 - Selective rescan
: Selective rescan
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: unspecified
: All All
: P2 enhancement (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2005-07-06 16:05 UTC by Steve Tregidgo
Modified: 2005-07-06 16:26 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description Steve Tregidgo 2005-07-06 16:05:25 UTC
When I rescan my entire library, a lot of CPU cycles are consumed for tens of
minutes.  But I don't really want to rescan everything, so I don't need all that
effort wasted; often I just want to scan one directory or file.

One common use case is the purchase of a new CD: I rip it, encode it and file it
in its proper directory.  At this point I really only want to tell SlimServer
that there's a new directory inside the main repository.

Another use case is metadata correction: today I spotted a typo in a song title
which necessitated an update of tags and a file-renaming.  I wanted to tell
SlimServer that the tags had been updated, and that the name had changed (or
that it had been removed and another added).
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2005-07-06 16:13:35 UTC
Steve - use the 'Browse Music Folder' link on the main page, and navigate to the new or changed folder.

The database will be updated when that happens.
Comment 2 Steve Tregidgo 2005-07-06 16:26:23 UTC
Thanks Dan, that's really helpful.  I didn't realise one could do that.