Bug 17842 - Host Logitech Squeezebox Controller App on Amazon marketplace
: Host Logitech Squeezebox Controller App on Amazon marketplace
Product: Controller App
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Android Marketplace
: unspecified
: Other Android (please specify version)
: -- enhancement
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2011-12-27 10:58 UTC by Chuck Bridgham
Modified: 2019-01-25 10:16 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Chuck Bridgham 2011-12-27 10:58:15 UTC
I speak for all the new owners of the kindle fire(this is many), and would love to see the android controller app available on the amazon marketplace, due to Amazon blocking A.M. access.
Comment 1 edpope 2012-03-30 03:17:21 UTC
I would also be greatly interested in this as well.  It seems that logitech is loosing ground all around since the mistake of supporting Google TV
Comment 2 edpope 2012-03-30 03:21:11 UTC
Seems like there is no way to vote on this as well.  Not sure if that is a good sign or not.