Bugzilla – Bug 6357
Jive & Ray are unable to complete setup if connecting to SqueezeNetwork
Last modified: 2008-02-15 01:10:35 UTC
During Support's testing on Dec. 12th, 5 out of 5 attempts to setup via SqueezeNetwork failed. We do not have logs from those attempts, but we will try to generate some with more tests. We tested and confirmed that the wireless router we were connecting to had solid internet access. We tried 4 wireless attempts and 1 wired.
This may have be a glitch in the jive service for SN. Can you recreate now, if not I suggest this bug is closed?
Dan or QA: can you reproduce?
I was able to reproduce this problem on the first try. It appears Ray connected just fine but Jive says problem connecting and prompts to try again or skip the step but trying again won't work since Ray is no longer in setup mode; skip this step shows no players. Sorry if I'm wrongly presuming that this bug is specific to Jive & Ray connecting to SN and not just Jive.
Is this a dup of bug 6709?
*** Bug 6709 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Ross, I know Andy was working on this last week. Can you please retest with both the MP firmware and the latest nightly. If it is still broken Andy or myself will take a look. Cheers.
This still doesn't work for me with r15, Problem Connecting, Try again doesn't work just shows connecting to 16:06:23 for 15 minutes. Note this blocks Rhapsody certification.
r15? Isn't MP r18?
I'm sorry I meant to say r1547 (Jive).
I am having problem also. Here are the steps: 1. Delete the Ray from SqueezeNetwork. 2. Downgrade Jive to 1 r1220 (the MP FW). 3. Perform factory reset on both Jive and Ray. 4. Setup both Jive and Ray. 5. Connect to SqueezeCenter directly without going through SqueezeCenter on a PC. 6. A PIN shows up on the Jive. 7. Go to www.squeezeCenter.com on a PC and add the PIN and player's name to SN. 8. After a few seconds, this Palyer becomes part of the Players list on the SN. 9. Go back to Jive. Tried to listen to BBC through internet radio. Unable to find the Internet Radio item at all. 10. This user was listening to different stations yesterday on the same hardwares. Plus, the SqueezeBox using the same netework setup is playing songs through SqueezeNetwork directly right now. Is there a spec on how Jive and Ray are supposed to connected to SN? Are there any specified steps like "click this button, that windows shoud pop up" type of deal.
Err, you are going to http://www.squeezenetwork.com:3000 when you are adding the PIN right? Do not use the prouduction SN at all!
Tried both. The player's name is 000420160276. It is on both the beta server and the production server. By the way, when a user is logged onto the production server, he is also logged onto the beta server. Is this expected behavious?
Yesterday, I went to the SN beta on my PC through the link inside SQueezeCenter. There is a link there labeled as SqueezeNetwork Beta.
Yes they share the same database, but you cannot setup anything related to Jive on production. I will run through testing this again.
Hi, Andy, Can you let us know the steps after your testing? We will confirm those steps really work. After that, we can just tell users these steps and be done with. Thanks Wallace
These are the steps I took, I got different results than you did but it did fail, sort of. Ray fw 19, factory reset. Jive fw 1220, factory reset. Setup network. Choose Ray to setup. Choose SqueezeNetwork music source. Got "Your Squeezebox is now setup" message on Jive after a second or two. Jive prompts for firmware update, clicked Begin Update. After reboot, Jive displays Activate Account screen. Went to http://www.squeezenetwork.com:3000/player/viewPlayers and added the PIN with player name "Jive". Note that after you do this you get *TWO* new players listed on SN: the Jive and the Ray. I will be fixing this so the Jive doesn't actually show up as a "player". Clicked the center button to confirm I have activated the account. Main menu is displayed for player "Squeezebox" (the default name given to a new Ray). I did notice that after this step the wireless icon turned blue and Jive had disconnected from SN. Could not get it to reconnect properly... I think this is a new bug introduced in the last few days that I have also seen with SC. If I reboot Jive I am able to control the Ray on SN OK.
Sorry, that should read Ray fw 21.
Andy are you removing Ray from your SN account before this test? I've never connected my Ray successfully and I'm still not able to. However Steven managed to successfully connect his Ray once nearly 2 weeks ago and he's been able to connect to SN with current firmware and V7, until he removed Ray from his account. Now Steven is also seeing the failure Anoop and I are seeing. Could this be the difference between our testing and the results you're seeing Andy?
Yeah I removed the Ray and Jive from my account prior to testing.
(In reply to comment #19) > Yeah I removed the Ray and Jive from my account prior to testing. > Andy, did you try deleting your Jive and Ray from SN using the admin tool or just your account? Is it the same thing?
Andy have you tested at all with r1425 or r1547?
I used the Players page, not the admin tool.
r1547 is current, but I think it's buggy. 1425 is ancient history and no one should be using that.
Andy Jive v7 shows up as r1425, according to Mickey this is MP. Per Dean I've done some testing with v6 r1220. My setup: Ray fw21 wireless, Jive r1220 connecting to Squeeze Test. Jive connects to wireless network, sees Ray I select my Ray and as time goes on the led turns blue, Jive prompts to connect to QA-server or Squeeze Network, I choose SN and wait 2 minutes for Jive to show "Problem Connecting, try again or skip this step" Try again no longer works because Ray is not in discoverable mode, and skip this step shows various players but of course not my Ray. I reproduced this exactly 3 times. I will take a closer look with v7 as well tomorrow.
Ah, MP 7, I have not done any testing with that one. Note that your Jive must have a UUID in order to use SN. What you described could be either a network error or a missing UUID. Do you have a log from the SD card?
Good news, I was able to connect Jive and Ray to SqueezeNetwork this morning using the initial setup steps. I am trying the same steps 3 more times to make sure things are indeed OK.
Tried 3 more times. Jive and Ray connected to SqueezeNetwork just fine. Internet radioes from Hong Kong came over nice and clear. BBC Comedy/Drama station sounds great too. Can other people please try the initial setup steps with their own network settings? I was using standard wireless, and connected to SN directly.
Andy is right about the UUID I have several Jives without UUID's and they're useless for this test. However Steven is also right, forgetting the player isn't enough to accurately retest this setup. You must delete the player from the SN admin utility. Andy if you have a minute I'm confident you'll be able to reproduce the problem if you delete the player first. Seems to be the same issue from 1220 or 1425.
So if you delete the player via the admin tool you get a failure, but deleting from the normal players page works? I think they do the exact same thing under the hood...
(In reply to comment #29) > So if you delete the player via the admin tool you get a failure, but deleting > from the normal players page works? Yes. We've reproduced it several times.
The same Jive and Ray cannot connect to SqueezeNetwork at all. It makes no difference whether the player was deleted from www.squeezenetwork.com:3000 first. Tried both ways. No go.
Let us know if you need anything else from QA, this issue should be easy to reproduce.
I've fixed a couple of bugs that could have caused this issue. Please retest.
FYI, I just found a Jive bug in today's build where after your enter your PIN, it won't reconnect properly to SN, so you'll get a blue wifi icon.
Tested again with 7.0 r1628 without removing my player from my account, worked fine. Removed the player and tried again, it failed 5/5 times.
You should also remove your Jive from your account as well to do a proper retest. You will have to use the admin tool to do this.
So I used the admin tool and searched for mac of my Jive and my Ray, I factory reset both and deleted both then proceeded with my test. 3/5 times it failed outright, the other 2 times it connected! However it made no mention of pin, or my account. So they connected to SN, but didn't prompt me to link to an account, new bug?
Hmm, that's strange. Will have to check it next week. What is the MAC of your Jive?
00:04:20:1A:04:70 my Jive 00:04:20:16:06:23 my Ray
*** Bug 6365 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
A number of network fixes have been made recently. I have no trouble setting up on SN. Please retest.
I found and fixed a race condition that could break SN setup with MP firmware, because it doesn't close connections properly during the firmware upgrade.
Andy: Should we mark this fixed and have QA/Dan verify?
Ping Andy
With as much testing as Richard has been doing lately I am inclined to mark it fixed. Bug 6857 is the only remaining bug I think, and it doesn't relate to initial SN setup.
I was able to connect Jive and Ray to SN once successfully this morning. Since, I've failed 3 times. After deleting both Jive and Ray from the SN beta admin utility I factory reset both Jive and Ray and double check that their macs are not searchable from SN beta admin utility. Then I tried connecting them to SN with latest firmware on both, on Squeeze Test and my local network, both connect just fine but offer no pin, not linked. (Jive=00:04:20:1a:01:fc, Ray=00:04:20:16:06:23)
It would be really helpful if you could mention what time it was whenever you failed setup, so I can correlate with the log file.
What I am seeing today is that I get ray and jive to the point where I select a source. I select SqueezeNetwork and ray immediately begins updating while jive waits. About the time that ray has almost finished updating, jive times out with the option to try again or skip this step with neither option really working. This is stating with ray FW 18 and jive FW 1425 and both removed from SqueezeNetwork using the admin tool. 00:04:20:16:06:3A and 00:04:20:1A:04:6C a couple of minutes ago.
Could this be the low timeout value in MP firmware for waiting while Ray updates FW? Richard?
It could be. It would be useful if you could time how long the ray firmware update takes. Is it always longer when it fails?
I just reproduced as I did in comment 46, 1 minute ago.
(In reply to comment #50) > It could be. It would be useful if you could time how long the ray firmware > update takes. Is it always longer when it fails? > I just tried again. Jive timed out at 1:25 while ray finished updating and reconnected at 1:45.
Hmm, Ross I think you must have got to a PIN screen because I see polling of the 'islinked' request, which only happens when the PIN screen is displayed.
No pin screen yet. I did this setup before lunch, when I returned there was a pin on the Jive screen.
The log I was looking at was around 4:06pm. It polled islinked for a while and then stopped. I'm not sure what's wrong, could be something in the new PIN code. So you say you see a PIN screen now? If you press the center button does it give you an error message screen?
Can this be closed in light of bug 6948?
Andy and I worked on this in the engineering room on Campfire. He managed to reproduce the issue and filed bug 6948. I think 6948 blocks this bug, I think we should wait for it to be resolved to close this bug.
See bug 6948.
I am reopening this bug as a place holder. There are still a number of outstanding issues being investigated when connecting duet directly to SqueezeNetwork.
Adding Brandon to the cc list.
Closing this bug as it covers too many issues and is no longer useful for track specific problems. Opened Bug 7175 to cover the failure Steven is seeing now.