Bugzilla – Bug 14560
Superbug: General UI readiness
Last modified: 2009-10-23 09:32:43 UTC
This is a rough estimate bug to encompass insuring that fab4 ui aspects are considered polished. These are items that I haven't seen addressed on other existing bugs, that we should discuss as a larger group. Issues that come to mind: 1) Flick performance - in worst case screen (albums) is it sufficiently sticky to your finger, say, compared to ipod touch/iphone 2) Flick afterscroll - the starting speed needs to be more accurate, and the afterscroll time is possible to long 3) Should flick slowdown to stop always result in an item not being half-way off the screen 4) large text to small text skin transition behavior 5) Visualizers 6) L and R Swipe gestures - are we satisfied with how they work. 7) Graphic feedback when chiral motion is engaged?
This needs a meeting, I think...
Seth, Mat, and Tom to meet on this subject.
They will break it down into constituent bugs smaller than 8hrs each
some of these wont be done, others have their own items.