Bug 15725 - Duplicate albums appearing
: Duplicate albums appearing
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: 7.4.2
: PC Windows Server 2008
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2010-02-17 05:35 UTC by Ian Dogherty
Modified: 2010-02-25 10:31 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug


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Description Ian Dogherty 2010-02-17 05:35:30 UTC
I have some tracks in some albums that are duplicating. Generally it is one track in an album that appears twice, meaning that I have two albums displayed in the system.

After a bit of internet research I can confirm that I have tried most of the suggestions I can find info on to no avail, specifically:

1. iTunes: I am not running iTunes.
2. Mixed ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags: I use MP3Tag to edit my tags and have followed their instructions for making sure I don't have mixed tags. (I'm not sure how I verify that I either do or don't have mixed tags so this could still be the problem.)

I've initiated a complete cleardown and rescan of my library. If you'd like I can switch full logging on and rescan, sending you the log and info on which files appear as duplicates.

Many thanks

Comment 1 Ian Dogherty 2010-02-18 06:36:53 UTC
Update: I've been through the offending files, and using MP3Tag removed all tags and then re-added using their Amazon.com tag lookup.

The same files are still duplicating in the library...

I've switched on extra logging in the scanner, but I don't know if it's the right info for investigation. Therefore if you need this info please let me know what scanner log config items you would need.

Many thanks

Comment 2 Ian Dogherty 2010-02-18 08:01:34 UTC
I have narrowed this down to being a playlist problem. All of the tracks that were causing albums to duplicate appeared in central playlists - i.e. stored in 'My Playlists' folder rather than in the folders of the albums.

I have moved the playlists out of harm's way, and the duplicates have now disappeared.
Comment 3 Siduhe 2010-02-25 07:24:42 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> I have narrowed this down to being a playlist problem. All of the tracks that
> were causing albums to duplicate appeared in central playlists - i.e. stored in
> 'My Playlists' folder rather than in the folders of the albums.
> I have moved the playlists out of harm's way, and the duplicates have now
> disappeared.

It's very likely that your problem occured because your playlists reference your files in a differnt way from your music libirary.  So if your music library setting in the software sees a song as M:/Music/Album/Song.mp3 but your playlist has the path to the same file as //server/music/album/song.mp3, the software has no way of knowing the songs are the same, so duplicates the entry in the database.  You can update the playlist path in the file to match your music library or remove the playlists (as you've done).

To QA: Suggest that Resolution can be changed to INVALID.