Bug 11121 - Allow user to disable switching between font modes and just select either IR(large) or touch(small)
: Allow user to disable switching between font modes and just select either IR(...
Product: SB Touch
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI
: unspecified
: PC Other
: P2 enhancement with 1 vote (vote)
: 8.0.1
Assigned To: Weldon Matt
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Reported: 2009-02-18 09:40 UTC by Mark Miksis
Modified: 2010-04-15 07:32 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Mark Miksis 2009-02-18 09:40:35 UTC
Add a setting to allow the user to disable the automatic font size switching and instead select either large or small to be always used.  Some users (like me) find the smaller font to be quite usable from 5-6 feet away and would prefer to use an IR remote but still have more info available on the screen.  The option to always use the larger font might be useful accessibility feature for the vision impaired.
Comment 1 Weldon Matt 2009-02-18 10:29:06 UTC
Fair enough.  I could see this being in the settings menu...
Comment 2 Jim McAtee 2009-12-02 21:18:51 UTC
I believe this is addressed by the way the text settings for skins are now being handled.  You choose which text size is used for either touch or IR interaction, so you can simply set them both the same if you like.
Comment 3 Jim McAtee 2010-04-14 19:11:46 UTC
Bump.  This has been implemented and the bug can be closed.