Bug 15551 - Music services context menu should be rearranged/enhanced
: Music services context menu should be rearranged/enhanced
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Napster
: Test
: PC Other
: -- enhancement (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2010-01-28 09:57 UTC by Joerg Schwieder
Modified: 2012-02-22 07:07 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Joerg Schwieder 2010-01-28 09:57:10 UTC
The context menu on a Napster album or playlist contains the content of the Album, not a context menu.

This could not be seen so far due to https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14145
Since this is fixed now, you can try by browsing
Napster->My Napster Library->Artists-><An Artist> and calling the context menu on an album.
Comment 1 Ben Klaas 2010-01-28 09:58:54 UTC
To be discussed at next bug meeting for assignment
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2010-02-01 09:48:20 UTC
Hi Joerg, what would you expect on this menu?
Comment 3 Joerg Schwieder 2010-02-01 11:23:46 UTC
Well, the context menu for the tracks has e.g. (this is what would make sense for an album, too):

- Add album to library
- Artists:... >
- Genre
- Duration
- On Rhapsody
- On Pandora
- On Last.fm
- Share on Facebook
- On Flickr
Comment 4 Andy Grundman 2010-02-01 11:27:55 UTC
This is a much larger issue, and affects all music services, not just Napster.  We would have to build new menus for things like this, Rhapsody albums, MP3tunes albums, etc.
Comment 5 Joerg Schwieder 2010-02-01 11:39:50 UTC
The just leave the play, add, add next, add to library, add to favorites items in there (these are in there today so it can't be too big a change).
But it makes zero sense and it very confusing to add the whole playlist (all items) to the context menu as it is now.
Comment 6 Joerg Schwieder 2010-02-08 09:19:54 UTC
Sorry, this is not an enhancement, this is a bug!
Comment 7 Chris Owens 2010-02-08 17:16:06 UTC
Maybe we are talking about different things, then.  I'm going to the album list, I am touching and holding to get to the context menu.

I get the following items:

Add to End >
Play Next >
Save to Favorites >
track 1
track 2
track n
Remove album from library >

If I touch any of the songs, they play.

Surely you agree that adding all the items in comment 3 is an enhancement.  

You really think that all the tracks should be removed from the album context menu?  I agree that the UI could stand to be reconsidered, but I (and the other developers in the weekly bug meeting) couldn't see a bug here.

I feel like you are trying to get us to remove useful functionality for a reason I don't understand.  I think we're still open to considering it, but you're going to have to articulate it to us better.
Comment 8 Joerg Schwieder 2010-02-08 17:31:39 UTC
Sorry, but I have playlists where this makes the context menu more than 300 entries long. Fun to reach "remove from library".

It simply doesn't belong there and it's not what you'd expect, if you want to open the list, you open it. There is no useful functionality there.

Plus this breaks the menu for SP if I read Ben's comment here

Doesn't happen? Does. My GF is playing "Search-><an artist>->All Tracks all the time.
Try "Search->Artist:Rolling Stones-><Context menu on "All Tracks"> and have fun!

You will get complaints on this.
Comment 9 Alan Young 2011-11-06 23:24:51 UTC
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.
Comment 10 Michael Herger 2012-02-22 07:07:15 UTC
RIP Napster.