Bugzilla – Bug 11776
"self-assigned" is not "assign manually"
Last modified: 2009-10-05 14:35:01 UTC
A Swedish fab4 tester reported an issue with the translation for "self-assigned": When I had some problem with my router this morning I noticed an incorrect swedish translation. There is a text when the DHCP server can't be found, the third option says: "Self-assign address" At the moment the swedish translation is: "Tilldela adress manuellt" But it should be something like: "Egentilldelad adress" The current translation makes it confusing since the second and third choice says almost the same thing in the swedish translation. I suspect the "Norwegian" translation has the same problem. ----------------------- He's right: the current translation means "assign address manually" which (as he mentions) is a third option and not the same. I also noticed that the Dutch translation has been changed from a imho correct translation to this broken meaning. SLT - could you please have this string checked in all languages? "self-assigned" means that the device will define its address itself. "manually" means the user will define it. It's an important difference. You should find this string in fab4 SetupWirelss__ZEROCONF_ADDRESS
SLT Team- there are currently four bugs assigned to you that have a target of "MP". The deadline for that milestone is this Wednesday April 15th. Could you update us on whether we can expect updated translations on these bugs by that date?
change 5293 - updated Norwegian translation (by sbjaerum)
The confusion is similar in English. Isn't this menu choice being removed per the instructions from Dean in bug 11769? Self-assign/AutoIP shouldn't be a user choice.
Our language service provider comments: *************************************************** "Egentildelt" to us sounds like it's still a person doing it manually. "Egen" wouldn't usually refer to an inanimate object. (Which is probably where the misunderstanding comes from: "self-assigned". Who knew machines had selves? :-) ) Often used expressions like "egendefinert" (user defined) would add to the confusion. Therefore, Our Norwegian suggestion is: "Automatisk tildelt adresse" and our Swedish suggestion is: "Automatiskt tilldelad adress" As you can guess, our suggestions mean "Automatically assigned address". *************************************************** Please comment asap, thanks
As Jim said this isn't very clear even in English. To better understand the issue we probably have to show the context. There are three ways a network interface can be configured: - manually: the user has to configure address, gateway, DNS etc. all manually - automatic: the user has a DHCP server (most often integrated into his router) who does configure the SB - self-assigned: if SB fails to get an address from a DHCP server, it will define its own address Thus "automatic" is still misleading. "self" in this context really means the device itself does the job. No outside help (whether other machine or user) required/expected.
Swedish: Egentilldelad IP-adress Spanish: IP autoasignada Russian: IP самоназначен Portuguese: IP auto-atribuído Polish: Samoprzydzielony IP Norway: Selvtildelt IP Italian: IP autoassegnato German: Selbst zugewies. IP French: Adresse IP auto-assignée Finnish: Itsemääritelty IP Dutch: Zelftoegekend IP-adres Danish: Selvtildelt IP
Updating target.
r5311 has string changes per Dean's spec in comment#6
Re-opening for SLT only: please update your translation memories (and add a sticky for the translators to it not to change it next time ;-))
With the latest translation pass our values should have been imported by SLT. Feel free to re-open if my assumption was too optimistic.
This bug has been marked as fixed in the 7.4.0 release version of SqueezeBox Server! * SqueezeCenter: 28672 * Squeezebox 2 and 3: 130 * Transporter: 80 * Receiver: 65 * Boom: 50 * Controller: 7790 * Radio: 7790 Please see the Release Notes for all the details: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes If you haven't already, please download and install the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezebox-server.html If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.