Bugzilla – Bug 9704
Scan status sometimes not updated
Last modified: 2011-08-28 22:20:46 UTC
I've noticed that the line in the main window showing "Scan in progress..." (or whatever the exact wording) often isn't updated following a scan and requires refreshing the entire page to clear the message. It appears to update progress during the scan fairly well, but never shows completion of the scan. Firefox 3.0x on Windows XP Pro.
QA to check this out. Michael notes that at the end of the scan the message should disappear, but that's the only indication the scan is completed.
Ok. I wasn't sure if it displayed a 'completed' message or just cleared itself. In that case, the bug is that it's not always cleared. Today I came back to my work PC and found the "scanning..." message in a browser window that was left open. The scan must have run some time over the weekend.
Does the scanner finish the scan, or did it crash? Also: if you have a chance to install Firebug, I'd be interested to know what the "serverstatus" query returns when the message is still displayed.
I've never checked the logs, but I'm pretty certain that the scans always complete. No evidence suggests otherwise - the library is complete and all artwork appears correctly.
Jim: what browser were you using? I have seen this on IE 6 because it doesn't auto-refresh.
Firefox 3.0. I'm still seeing this in the latest 7.3 revs. I schedule a scan to run every night and if I leave a browser tab open to the SC web interface it always shows the "scanning..." message in the morning. I haven't checked "serverstatus" yet.
Created attachment 4202 [details] this message? your talking about the 'scanning..' message at the bottom of the browser window, right? see attached image
> the 'scanning..' message at the bottom of the browser window, right? Yes
Michael: your comments?
James - what's that "Error on page" about (bottom left)? Jim - could you please (temporarily) install Firebug and see what error you get?
Michael: this was with IE 7, not firefox. IE shows the following for the error on page: Line: 33 Char: 3080 Error: Number expected Code: 0 URL:
James - if you can reliably reproduce this issue, could you please try the following: - open HTML/Default/cmdwrapper_Default in a text editor (somethin better than Notepad) - set the [% debug = 0 %] value to [% debug = 1 %] - fully reload SC - do whatever you need to do to see the error - what's the error message now? I'm asking for this as the "line 33 char 3080" won't help an awful lot. That's obfuscated JS code, and looking at position 3080 is painful. Setting debug to 1 will load the uncompressed files which will give much more readable data. Thanks!
Still can't reproduce this issue here. Won't be able to fix this in 7.3 unless somebody comes up with some idiot proof way to reproduce.
Created attachment 4290 [details] update more often, cache less aggressively Could you please replace HTML/EN/html/SqueezeJS/Base.js with this file, clear all caches and try again? Do you still see the missed update?
Jim - did you test this change?
Sorry, Michael. I haven't. I am still seeing the problem occasionally in recent revs of 7.3 Trunk. Also, I don't think I'll be able to provide any help from within Firebug. Although I have it installed, I can't leave it enabled for SqueezeCenter browsing or it slows the interface to a crawl. If I happen to notice the message and then try to enable Firebug, it reloads the page and the message disappears. The other day for the first time I was also seeing the similar message that appears at the top of the browse pane, where it says "Note: SqueezeCenter is still scanning your music library, so some items may not appear in this area yet." While the "Rescanning Music Library..." message at the bottom of the pane always clears as soon as I either refresh or navigate to another page in the browse pane, this message at the top remained while I browsed a few pages, then finally went away. This occurred some 8-10 hours after my scheduled nightly scan had completed.
Created attachment 4442 [details] firebug screen capture I managed to catch it with Firebug running. Michael, is this what you were looking for - a watch of the expression 'serverstatus'? There were no JS errors that I could tell.
Jim - if you haven't applied the patch, I'd expect you to still see the issue, as nothing has changed. Did you try the patch?
I'm running with it now. See what happens...
I am now seeing this on both my home server(win32) and at work(win64); In both places I use IE9. The main web page states: "Rescanning Music Library... Gem coverbilleder i cachelager (1 of 708)" Hmm btw SBS is setup to English, but the artwork part above is in Danish!? Not sure if the following is an error, as I normally go to the Information page after starting a scan: The Basic settings page remains on "Scanning - View progress" and disabled combobox. But is updated if going to Information page and back.
Created attachment 7411 [details] image screenshot of main web after a Clear and scan. Besides not updating after scan completed, the information showned is part English , part Danish. SBS setting is English
Jan - are you seeing bug 17478 too?
(In reply to comment #22) > Jan - are you seeing bug 17478 too? No I have not seen 17478 yet ;-)
just fyi, this issue seems similar to an old issue that at the time was fixed, so maybe there is some useful info there: bug 9037
Are you still seeing this with the latest 7.6.2 nightlies?
Running 33148 Main web page is updating now The other issues that I mentioned in comment 20 is still there. Most importantly the part about the scanning messages being mixed languages e.g. "Rescanning Music Library... Gem coverbilleder i cachelager (1 of 708)" Through all the scanning phases the first half in English, the second half in Danish SBS is setup for English and my Windows locale is Danish Win 32/64 IE9
Jan - could you please open a new bug for the language issue? Thanks!
*** Bug 17508 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***